Friday, August 24, 2018

0034 - The Battle of Zloczew - Turn 4

0830 23 JUL 2000
I don't frighten easily. Never have, never will, but that Claymore going off did cause a heart flutter, I have to admit. I could not believe our luck when nobody died or was seriously wounded. That was a miracle. It was also a mistake, because after that, we go very angry. Hoist the black flag!

Turn 4 - Initiative Step 5
• Potato decides to dismount and continue the fight on the ground.
• Mitchell again accelerates and willl steer Bud around the south side of the town
• Robinson will fire five quick shots from his AKR at Trooper #108

Order of Actions:
• Robinson (Agl 7 - Bulk 2 = 5)
• Mitchell (Agl 5)
• Potato (Agl 4)

Robinson fires five shots at Trooper #108 with his AKR. The range is 65m (Long). The target is obscured by light smoke.

[Fire aimed shot at Trooper #108 – Asset Level 9 – Near Impossible (x1/8 - quick shot + range + target obscured) – Target Number 1 - Roll(s): 8,18,17,8,13] - No Hits.

Mitchell accelerates again. The vehicle accelerates to 6m/turn.

Potato dismounts and goes prone at the corner of the building.

Turn 4 - Initiative Step 4
• Griffin will fire two quick shots at Trooper #117, who just came into view.
• Trooper #117 will fire three opprtunity at Bud
• Macron will take fire two quick shots with his M16A2 w/sight at Trooper #25 on the far right of the firing line.

Order of Actions:
• Trooper #117 (Agl 6 - Bulk 2 = 4)
• Griffin (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Macron (Agl 4 - Bulk 5 = -1)

Trooper #117 fires at Bud with his UZI. The range is 50m (Medium).

[Fire three quick shots at Bud – Asset Level 19 – Impossible (x1/4 - Medium range quick shot at an obscured target) – Target Number 2 - Roll(s): 8,17,9] - All miss.

Griffin will fire two quick shots at Trooper #117. The distance is 50m (Short).

[Fire two quick shots at Trooper #117 – Asset Level 12 – Formidable (x1/2 - Short range quick shot at an obscured target) – Target Number 6 (4 for the second round due to recoil) - Roll(s): 2,7] - 1 possible hit. Hit location is the left arm for 14 points of damage. The NPC is slightly wounded and his initiative reduced to 0, taking the fight out of him.

Macron fires two quick shots at Trooper #25. The range is 70m (Medium).

[Fire two quick shots at Trooper #25 – Asset Level 13 – Formidable (x1/2) – Target Number 6 - Roll(s): 1,17 - One possible hit. The round misses as the target is prone and the hit location was his legs.

Turn 4 - Initiative Step 3
• Marshall fires one round from her M177 at Trooper #25.
• Logan accelerates, intending to close the range to Klasha
• Harris dismounts and follows Potato
• Experienced Soviet straggler #03 pulls back and takes cover in a building
• Experienced Soviet straggler #25 fires his FN-LAR twice at Potato
• Experienced Soviet straggler #37 pulls back and takes cover in a building

Order of Actions:
• Experienced Soviet straggler #03 (Agl 6)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #37 (Agl 6)
• Logan (Agl 5)
• Harris (Agl 5)
• Marshall (Agl 5 - Bulk 3 = 2)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #25 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)

Experienced Soviet straggler #03 pulls back, taking cover in a nearby building.

Experienced Soviet straggler #37 also pulls back and takes cover in a building

Logan accelerates with the HMMWV, determined to reach Klasha. The vehicle accelerates to 16m/turn.

Harris dismounts from Bud and drops prone near Potato.

Marshall fires one round at Experienced Soviet straggler #25. The range is 55m (Medium).

[Fire one quick shotsat Experienced Soviet straggler #25 – Asset Level 7 – Formidable (x1/2 - Medium range quick shot) – Target Number 3 - Roll(s): 8] - Miss

Experienced Soviet straggler #25 fires his FN-LAR twice at Potato. The range is 55m (Short).

[Fire two quick shots at Potato – Asset Level 11 – Formidable (x1/3 - Short range quick shot at obscured target) – Target Number 5 (4 for the second shot due to recoil) - Roll(s): 19,4] - One possible hit. The round misses because the target is prone.

Turn 4 - Initiative Step 1
• Novice Soviet straggler #110 follows will fire his Mauser bolt action at Potato
• Novice Soviet straggler #111 will continue to pull Trooper #131 back into the cover of a nearby building
• Novice Soviet straggler #115 will go into overwatch, watching the barrier to the East
• Novice Soviet straggler #137 will take cover behind the sandbags.

Order of Actions:
• Novice Soviet straggler #111 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #115 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #137 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #110 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)

Novice Soviet straggler #111 drags Trooper #131 back into cover of the building.

Novice Soviet straggler #115 takes up an overwatch position, overlooking the barrier to the East.

Novice Soviet straggler #137 takes cover behind the sandbags.

Novice Soviet straggler #110 fires his Mauser Bolt Action Rifle at Potato. The range is 55m (Short).

[Fire quick shot at Potato – Asset Level 9 – Formidable (x1/2 - quick shot at Short range on obscured target) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 4] - Possible hit. The round misses because the hit location are the legs and the target is prone.

At the end of Turn 4, The Soviets have 56 WIA and 3 KIA compared to the one from the PCs. Potato had some near misses, but beyond  that everything was OK. The PCs have gone the offensive and have started rolling back the Soviet positions.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

0033 - The Battle of Zloczew - Turn 3

0830 23 JUL 2000
Apperently Logan was convinced by Macron to assist Klasha. I heard the discussion, because you could not NOT hear it, despite all the gunfire going off around us. I heard one bullet go whizzing by. Appearently god had decided it was not my time yet. I was going to make sure some of them met their maker so.

Turn 3 - Initiative Step 5
• Potato fires two bursts from his L7A2 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 behind the barrier.
• Mitchell loses her turn, as she is knocked down.
• Robinson will fire five quick shots from his AKR at Trooper #108

Order of Actions:
• Robinson (Agl 7 - Bulk 2 = 5)
• Mitchell (Agl 5)
• Potato (Agl 4 - Bulk 6 = -2)

Robinson fires five shots at Trooper #108 with his AKR. The range is 75m (Long). The target is obscured by light smoke.

[Fire aimed shot at Trooper #108 – Asset Level 9 – Near Impossible (x1/8 - quick shot + range + target obscured) – Target Number 1 - Roll(s): 20, 6, 7, 12, 5] - No Hits.

Mitchell is knocked down and Bud decelerates. The vehicle accelerates to 3m/turn.

Potato fires two bursts from his L7A2 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 behind the barrier. The range is 50m (Short) and the burst is reduced by three due to the smoke. Those behind the barrier are protected from the waist down by the truck (AV2).

[Fire burst #1 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 7,18,8,7,16,14,19 ] - No hits
[Fire burst #2 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 2,2,13,6,9,9,13] - Two possible hits. One round hits the barrier and the second hits the NPC in the head. The target does not have a helmet and takes 23 points of damage. This results in a quick kill.

No other troopers are within the danger zone. Trooper #102 is laying behind the barrier and cannot be hit by stray rounds.

Turn 3 - Initiative Step 4
• Griffin will fire two quick shots at Trooper #111, who just dropped prone on the firing line.
• Macron will take fire two quick shots with his M16A2 w/sight at Trooper #25 on the far right of the firing line.

Order of Actions:
• Griffin (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Macron (Agl 4 - Bulk 5 = -1)

Griffin will fire two quick shots at Trooper #111. The distance is 60m (Short).

[Fire two quick shots at Trooper #111 – Asset Level 12 – Formidable (x1/2 - Short range quick shot at an obscured target) – Target Number 6 (4 for the second round due to recoil) - Roll(s): 10,14] - 1. Both miss.

Macron fires two quick shots at Trooper #25. The range is 90m (Medium).

[Fire two quick shots at Trooper #25 – Asset Level 13 – Formidable (x1/2) – Target Number 6 - Roll(s): 1, 19] - One possible hit. The round misses as the target is prone and the hit location was his legs.

Turn 3 - Initiative Step 3
• Marshall goes into overwatch with her M177, looking for targets within 80m
• Logan accelerates, intending to close the range to Klasha (sorry, the character relationship makes this necessary)
• Harris fires two bursts from his L7A2 at Trooper #29
• Experienced Soviet straggler #03 detonates the directional mine in front of the barrier.
• Experienced Soviet straggler #25 fires his FN-LAR twice at Bud
• Experienced Soviet straggler #29 fires his Mauser bolt action at Klasha again
• Experienced Soviet straggler #37 remains in overwatch, looking east.

Order of Actions:
• Experienced Soviet straggler #03 (Agl 6)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #37 (Agl 6)
• Marshall (Agl 5)
• Logan (Agl 5)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #25 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #29 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Harris (Agl 5 - Bulk 6 = -1)

Experienced Soviet straggler #03 detonates the directional mine in front of the barrier. Cover from the barrier and buildings protects those around the barrier from the concussion. Troopers #105 and #108 are protected by the buildings from fragments. They are currently prone on top of the buildings. Bud and Klasha are in the primary blast radius and Jerry is in the secondary blast radius.

By some miracle, Bud is not hit by any fragments. Klasha, unfortunately, takes a fragment to the chest. This causes 1 + 1 (blunt trauma) = 2 points of damage. All in all, both got off lightly.

Jerry also takes no fragments.

Note to self: That was entirely disappointing. I was seriously debating whether or not to detonate the mine and after I did, it is really as if I had not. Oh well, the Dice Gods wanted it that way, I guess.

Experienced Soviet straggler #37 remains in overwatch.

Marshall goes into overwatch, searching for targets within 80m to the front.

Logan accelerates with the HMMWV, determined to reach Klasha. The vehicle accelerates to 12m/turn.

Experienced Soviet straggler #25 fires his FN-LAR twice at Bud. The range is 70m (Medium).

[Fire two quick shots at Bud – Asset Level 11 – Impossible (x1/4 - Medium range quick shot at obscured target) – Target Number 2 (1 for the second shot due to recoil) - Roll(s): 7, 5] - Both miss

Experienced Soviet straggler #29 wants to make sure Klasha stay down and fires his Mauser bolt action at her again. The range is 90m (Medium),

[Fire quick shot at Klasha – Asset Level 11 – Impossible (x1/4 - quick shot at medium range on obscured target) – Target Number 2 - Roll(s): 5] - Miss.

Harris fires two bursts at at Trooper #29. The range is 65m (Short) but the burst is reduced by three due to the obscurement.

[Fire burst #1 at Trooper #29 – Asset Level 13 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 3 - Roll(s): 20,19,11,6,8,4,17] - No hits.
[Fire burst #2 at Trooper #29 – Asset Level 13 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 3 - Roll(s): 19,1,17,11,6,2,13] - Two possible hits. One round "hits" the legs, resulting in a miss. The other hits head. The NPC has a kevlar helmet that slows down the round. The NPC takes 8 + 1 (blunt trauma) = 9 points of damage. This results in a quick kill.

Turn 3 - Initiative Step 1
• Novice Soviet straggler #110 follows will fire his Mauser bolt action at Marshall
• Novice Soviet straggler #111 will pull Trooper #131 back into cover
• Novice Soviet straggler #115 run south and take up a position behind the sandbags
• Novice Soviet straggler #117 remains in overwatch
• Novice Soviet straggler #137 will leave the building and moved toward the sandbags.

Order of Actions:
• Novice Soviet straggler #111 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #115 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #117 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #137 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #110 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)

Novice Soviet straggler #110 fires his Mauser Bolt Action Rifle at Marshall. The range is 85m (Medium).

[Fire quick shot at Marshall – Asset Level 9 – Impossible (x1/4 - quick shot at medium range on obscured target) – Target Number 2 - Roll(s): 9] - Miss.

Novice Soviet straggler #111 drags Trooper #131 back into cover behind the building.

Novice Soviet straggler #115 run south and takes up a position behind the sandbags

Novice Soviet straggler #117 remains in overwatch.

Novice Soviet straggler #137 leaves the building, heading north.

At the end of turn 3, The Soviets have 5 WIA and 3 KIA compared to the one from the PCs. The directional mine was a disappointment, not only for myself, but also for the Soviets. The characters can be happy so.

Monday, August 20, 2018

0032 - The Battle of Zloczew - Turn 2

0830 23 JUL 2000
The Soviets got off a few rounds but they were not really effective. Potato and Harris went to work with the L7s, clearing the bad guys away like mowin' grass. We had the momentum, now we had to keep it.

Do not know what the commie was thinkin' when he chucked that grenade. I saw the Willi Pete go off then heard Klasha screaming after that. She has a distintive scream, believe you me. That could not be good, but the smoke also gave us cover. Thanks for the help.

The cloud of smoke forms this round.

Turn 2 - Initiative Step 5
• Potato fires two bursts from his L7A2 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 behind the barrier.
• Mitchell will drive Bud off the road to the left.
• Robinson will fire his AKR at Trooper 105 as an aimed shot
• Klasha will try to brush off the fragment

Order of Actions:
• Robinson (Agl 7 - Bulk 2 = 5)
• Mitchell (Agl 5)
• Klasha (Agl 4)
• Potato (Agl 4 - Bulk 6 = -2)

Robinson fires one aimed shot at Trooper #105 with his AKR. The range is 85m (Long). The target is obscured by light smoke.

[Fire aimed shot at Trooper #105 – Asset Level 9 – Impossible (x1/4 - range + target obscured) – Target Number 2 - Roll(s): 1] - 1 Hit. Automatic hit. The round hits the trooper in the right arm for 8 points of damage, sending him sprawling again.

Mitchell accelerates and drives bud off the road. The vehicle acclerates to 6m/turn.

Klash tries to brush off the fragments.

[Brush off the fragment – Attribute Level 4 – Average (x2) – Target Number 8 - Roll(s): 3] - Success. She brushes off the fragment but still takes 4 points of damage. She is now on the threshold to a Critical wound and is also stunned.

Potato fires two bursts from his L7A2 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 behind the barrier. The range is 55m (Short) and the burst is reduced by three due to the smoke. Those behind the barrier are protected from the waist down by the truck (AV2).

[Fire burst #1 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 5,13,19,10,9,8,1] - 1 Hit. Automatic hit. Unfortunately the round hits his legs and is stopped by the barrier.
[Fire burst #2 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 15,4,8,11,17,13,19] - 1 Hits. Unfortunately this is an abdomen hit and is also stopped by the barrier

Three of the remaining rounds may hit Veteran Soviet straggler #1 (Captain) as he is being dragged away.

[Danger zone attacks for the burst – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 3,3,20] - 2 Hits. The round hits him in the arm for 16 points of damage and he bleeds out quickly.

Turn 2 - Initiative Step 4
• Griffin will fire two quick shots at Trooper #131, who just dropped prone at the corner of the building to the north.
• Macron will take fire his M16A2 w/sight at Trooper #115 that he aimed at last turn on the roof to the far right.

Order of Actions:
• Griffin (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Macron (Agl 4 - Bulk 5 = -1)

Griffin will fire two quick shots at Trooper #131. The distance is 60m (Short).

[Fire two quick shots at Trooper #131 – Asset Level 12 – Formidable (x1/2 - Short range quick shot at an obscured target) – Target Number 6 (4 for the second round due to recoil) - Roll(s): 13, 4] - 1 Hit. The hit location is the Left Arm for 18 points of damage. The trooper is slightly wounded and his initiative is reduced to 0, taking him out of the fight.

Macron fires one aimed and two quick shots at Trooper #115. The range is 105m (Medium).

[Fire aimed shot at Trooper #131 – Asset Level 13 – Difficult (x1) – Target Number 13 - Roll(s): 4] - 1 Hit. Unfortunately, the hit location is the legs, resulting in a miss.
[Fire two quick shots at Trooper #131 – Asset Level 13 – Formidable (x1/2) – Target Number 6 (5 for the second shot due to recoil) - Roll(s): 12, 13] - Both miss.

Turn 2 - Initiative Step 3
• Marshall goes into overwatch with her M177, looking for targets within 80m
• Logan accelerates, intending to close the range to Klasha (sorry, the character relationship makes this necessary)
• Harris fires two bursts from his L7A2 at Trooper #140
• Experienced Soviet straggler #03 takes cover behind the corner and fires his FN-FAL at Bud
• Experienced Soviet straggler #09 fires his M40 at Marshall
• Experienced Soviet straggler #25 runs around the corner and drops prone, calling the others to form a firing line-
• Experienced Soviet straggler #29 fires his Mauser bolt action at Klasha again
• Experienced Soviet straggler #37 goes into overwatch, looking east

Order of Actions:
• Experienced Soviet straggler #25 (Agl 6)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #37 (Agl 6)
• Marshall (Agl 5)
• Logan (Agl 5)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #03 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #09 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #29 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Harris (Agl 5 - Bulk 6 = -1)

Experienced Soviet straggler #25 runs to a position to the north and drops prone. He orders the rest of his men into line.

Experienced Soviet straggler #37 goes into overwatch, looking east

Marshall goes into overwatch, searching for targets within 80m to the front.

Logan accelerates with the HMMWV. The vehicle acclerates to 8m/turn.

Experienced Soviet straggler #03 fires his FN-FAL twice at Bud. The range is 50m (Short).

[Fire two quick shots at Bud – Asset Level 11 – Formidable (x1/2 - Short range quick shot at obscured target) – Target Number 5 (3 for the second shot due to recoil) - Roll(s): 12, 2] - One hit. The round hits the hull "Armor", leaving a final penetration value of 2. This results in one minor hit. Four bullet fragments hit Mitchell. She is hit in the abdomen but the vest stops the fragment. Still she takes 1 point of blunt trauma. She is hit in the head but the fragment is stopped by her helmet. She takes one point of damage from blunt trauma. She also takes a fragment in the left arm (5) and right arm (4). She now has a total of 4 scatch wounds, totallying 11 points of damage. She is knocked down but not stunned, nor does she panic. Tough girl.

Experienced Soviet straggler #09 fires an aimed shot with his M40 at Marshall. The range is 100m (Medium).

[Fire aimed shot at Marshall – Asset Level 11 – Formidable (x1/2 - aimed shot at medium range on obscured target) – Target Number 5 - Roll(s): 19] - Miss.

Experienced Soviet straggler #29 wants to make sure Klasha stay down and fires his Mauser bolt action at her again. The range is 90m (Medium),

[Fire quick shot at Klasha – Asset Level 11 – Impossible (x1/4 - quick shot at medium range on obscured target) – Target Number 2 - Roll(s): 6] - Miss.

Harris fires two bursts at at Trooper #140. The range is 80m (Short) but the burst is reduced by three due to the obscurement.

[Fire burst #1 at Trooper #140 – Asset Level 13 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 3 - Roll(s): 20, 15, 9, 5, 4, 3, 3] - 2 Possible Hits. Both hits to the abdomen that miss as the target is prone.
[Fire burst #2 at Trooper #140 – Asset Level 13 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 3 - Roll(s): 11, 11, 8, 4, 1, 1, 1] - 3 automatic Hits. Two hits miss as the target is prone (Left Leg, Abdomen). The third rounds hits him in the Right Arm for 13. The NPC is slightly wounded and his initiative reduced to 0, taking him out of the fight.

Turn 2 - Initiative Step 1
• Novice Soviet straggler #110 follows Experienced Soviet straggler #25 and takes his place on the firing line
• Novice Soviet straggler #111 follows Experienced Soviet straggler #25 and takes his place on the firing line
• Novice Soviet straggler #115 will leave the building
• Novice Soviet straggler #117 remains in overwatch
• Novice Soviet straggler #137 remains in overwatch

Order of Actions:
• Novice Soviet straggler #110 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #111 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #115 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #117 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #137 (Agl 6)

Novice Soviet straggler #110 takes his place on the firing line.
Novice Soviet straggler #111 takes his place on the firing line.
Novice Soviet straggler #115 leaves the building and moves out into the street.
Novice Soviet straggler #117 remains in overwatch.
Novice Soviet straggler #137 remains in overwatch.

At the end of turn 2, Klasha is badly hurt and still taking fire. The machineguns on bud are taking their toll on the Soviets. Their captain has been killed and several others are down for the count. It is time for the Soviets to change tactics.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

0031 - The Battle of Zloczew - Turn 1

0830 23 JUL 2000

Klasha looked us all in the eyes, one at a time, and we came to an unspoken agreement: what was happening here was wrong and needed to be stopped. Unlike other engagements, we would need to watch out for civilian casualties. Safeties went off and Klasha unslung her UZI. The Soviets must have been expecting his because they moved the same time we did. No surprising anyone this time.

No on is suprised and it will be a knock-down, drag-out fight.

Reenforcements will arrive on Turn 11.

Turn 1 - Initiative Step 5
• Potato fires two bursts from his L7A2 at the captain and those behind the barrier.
• Mitchell will drive Bud off the road to the left.
• Robinson will aim his AKR at Trooper 105

Order of Actions:
• Robinson (Agl 7)
• Mitchell (Agl 5)
• Potato (Agl 4 - Bulk 6 = -2)

Robinson takes aim at Trooper #105 with his AKR.

Mitchell accelerates and drives bud off the road. The vehicle acclerates to 3m/turn.

Potato fires two bursts from his L7A2 at the captain and those behind the barrier. The range is 50m (Short) so the bursts are not reduced in size. Those behind the barrier are protected from the waist down by the truck (AV2).

[Fire burst #1 at the captain – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 20,14,14,20,11,8,17,20,8,4] - 1 Hit. The captain is standing and the round catches him in the left leg for 10 points of damage.
[Fire burst #2 at the captain – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 16,6,6,8,18,18,1,2,5,20] - 2 Hits. The first round hits him in the right leg for 14 and the second in the abdomen for 6 + 2 (blunt trauma) = 8. He is knocked down but does not panic. The captain is now seriously wounded,

Four of the remaining rounds may hit others in the danger area. These include Troopers #03, #09, #102.

[Danger zone attacks Burst #1 – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 14,7,1,17] - 1 Hit. The round hits Trooper #102 in the left arm for 16. He is knocked down, slightly wounded and his initative reduced to 0, taking him out of the fight.
[Danger zone attacks Burst #2 – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 10,19,15,15] - No hits.

Turn 1 - Initiative Step 4
• Griffin will fire two quick shots at Trooper #105 laying on the roof to the right.
• Macron will take aim with his M16A2 w/sight at Trooper #115 on the roof to the far right.
• Klasha will drop prone and fire two quick shots at Trooper #108 laying on the roof to the left.

Order of Actions:
• Macron (Agl 4)
• Klasha (Agl 4 - Bulk 5 = 2)
• Griffin (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)

Macron takes aim at Trooper #105 with his M16A2.

Klasha fires at Trooper #115. The range is 35m (Medium). There is no adjustment due to recoil.

[Fire at Trooper #115 – Asset Level 6 – Formidable (x1/2) – Target Number 3 - Roll(s): 4,14] - No hits.

Griffin fires twice at at Trooper #105 laying on the roof . The range is 40m (Short).

[Fire at Trooper #105 – Asset Level 12 – Difficult (x1) – Target Number 12 (10 on the second due to recoil) - Roll(s): 16,6] - One round hits the NPC is his left arm for 10 points of damage. The NPC is slightly wounded but his initiative is reduced to 0, taking him out of the fight

Turn 1 - Initiative Step 3
• Marshall realizes the TOW is a bit over the top for the current engagement and changes to her M177
• Logan accelerates, intending to close the range before leaving the road and circling around to the north
• Harris fires two bursts from his L7A2 at Trooper #108
• Experienced Soviet straggler #03 moves to drag the captain back into cover
• Experienced Soviet straggler #09 aims his M40 at Marshall
• Experienced Soviet straggler #25 runs to the north to gather the troopers for a flank attack
• Experienced Soviet straggler #29 drops prone and fires his Mauser bolt action at Klasha, who is also prone
• Experienced Soviet straggler #37 runs around the corner and drops prone at the corner of the building

Order of Actions:
• Experienced Soviet straggler #03 (Agl 6)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #09 (Agl 6)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #25 (Agl 6)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #37 (Agl 6)
• Marshall (Agl 5)
• Logan (Agl 5)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #29 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Harris (Agl 5 - Bulk 6 = -1)

Experienced Soviet straggler #03 runs to the captain and begins to drag him into cover.

Experienced Soviet straggler #09 (Agl 6) takes aim at Marshall with his M40.

Experienced Soviet straggler #25 runs north and orders the other troopers to follow.

Experienced Soviet straggler #37 runs around the corner and drops prone at the corner of the building.

Marshall pulls up her M177 from within the HMMWV.

Logan accelerates with the HMMWV. The vehicle acclerates to 4m/turn.

Experienced Soviet straggler #29 fires a quick shot at Klasha, who is prone. The range is 90m (Medium),

[Fire at Klasha – Asset Level 11 – Formidable (x1/2) – Target Number 5 - Roll(s): 4] - Possible hit that misses because the hit location is abdomen and Klasha is prone.

Harris fires two bursts from the L7A2 at Trooper #108. The range is 35m (Short), so no dice are lost due to range. The target is prone so all abdomen and leg hits will miss.

[Fire burst #1 at Trooper #108 – Asset Level 13 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 3 - Roll(s): 16,12,2,13,10,11,14,17,14] - 1 Hit.The trooper is hit in the chest for 9 + 2 (blunt trauma) = 11.
[Fire burst #2 at Trooper #108 – Asset Level 13 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 3 - Roll(s): 10,11,11,20,4,15,18,12,7,1] - The one possible hit is a leg hit that misses as the target is prone. He is knocked down. The trooper is slightly wounded but his initiative is reduced to 0, taking him out of the fight

Turn 1 - Initiative Step 1
• Novice Soviet straggler #110 follows Experienced Soviet straggler #25 to the north
• Novice Soviet straggler #111 follows Experienced Soviet straggler #25 to the north
• Novice Soviet straggler #115 throws a WP grenade in the direction of Bud
• Novice Soviet straggler #117 goes into overwatch, watching the area directly east.
• Novice Soviet straggler #131 runs east and drops prone at the edge of the building
• Novice Soviet straggler #137 goes into overwatch, watching the area directly east.
• Novice Soviet straggler #140 fires two quick shots at Klasha

Order of Actions:
• Novice Soviet straggler #110 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #111 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #117 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #131 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #137 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #115 (Agl 6 - Bulk 1 = 5)
• Novice Soviet straggler #140 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)

Novice Soviet straggler #110 runs to the north.

Novice Soviet straggler #111 also runs to the north.

Novice Soviet straggler #117 goes into overwatch.

Novice Soviet straggler #131 runs east and drops prone at the edge of the building.

Novice Soviet straggler #137 goes into overwatch, watching the area directly east.

Novice Soviet straggler #115  throws a WP grenade in the direction of Bud. His effective range is 24m. He will throw to his maximum range of 48m (Long).

[Throw WP at target point  – Asset Level 9 – Formidable (x1/2) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 7] - Miss. The grenade deviates 12m (direction 3 - long, right).

Bud is within the primary burst radius and is hit by one fragment. The fragment does not hit the "armor" and penentrates with a final damage value is 2, resulting in 1 minor damage result. The damage location is the radio, which was damaged before.

Klasha is in the secondary burst radius and is hit by one fragment. The hit location is the head and the fragment is not stopped by her helmet. Klasha takes 7 points of damage to the head. This results in a serious wound for her. Klasha will be stunned by the wound but only after she removes the fragment. She currently has a serious wound to the head.

Novice Soviet straggler #105 is also within the secondary burst radius but takes no fragments.

Novice Soviet straggler #108 is also within the secondary burst radius but takes no fragments.

Novice Soviet straggler #140 fires two quick shots at Klasha. The range is 90m (Medium).

[Two quick shots at Klasha  – Asset Level 9 – Formidable (x1/2) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 9,13] - Both miss.

The turn ends with 4 stragglers WIA, Klash has a serious wound caused by the burning fragment that is still burning.

0030 - Approaching Zloczew - The Opposition

0830 23 JUL 2000
The impression would be that the characters cannot take on 200 NPCs. I generally would agree with this, even if, in my experience, a PC can usually battle five to six NPCs, unless they were very unlucky. This would mean that the characters would have a chance with about 45-54 troopers. When the group battled a large unit of cavalry and infantry supported by a BTR, they gave the characters a run for their money before the characters forced them to retreat. At that time, they were outnumbered 41 to 6, which means almost 7 to 1 and I actually began to think that they bit off more than they could chew. It was a close one.

Obviously all 200 stragglers are not going to be waiting behind the barrier for the characters. Some will be sleeping and doing personal chores. In addition, there are other barriers that need to be manned and internal patrols that need to be made to ensure the town stays quiet. I will put the total number available at 50. There will be 15 behind the barrier and 35 as a ready reaction force that will arrive 6-10 minutes later (1D6+4). They will be a mix so I will take 20 Experienced NPCs and 30 Novices of the available 200 at random.

After randomly selecting a total of 51 NPCs (including the captain, which was not random), I took the first 5 Experienced and then first 10 Novices NPCs to main the barrier. The remaining troopers are the reaction force. The force is poorly equipped but does have two directional mines, one of which will probably be placed at the barrier. 

I have also updated the character list after the changes due to experience. Currently, three characters (Griffin, Harris and Macron) are suffering from slight wounds. That will have an influence on the battle.

When the preparations are completed, I add the NPCs and PCs to the map using LibreOffice Draw. Now the shooting can begin.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

0029 - Approaching Zloczew - 0830 23 JUL 2000

The team is approaching the town of Zloczew. Like any other town in Poland (or anywhere east of the German Border), they will assumed that the town is occupied, probably by unfriendly folks too. Referring to the Escape from Kalisz Adventure booklet, we can learn that it is indeed occupied by the wrong type of people:

When the Soviet 124th Division was routed on the Sieradz-Kalisz road, many of the stragglers fled back to Zloczew and began an orgy of looting and pillaging. Many civilians were killed or molested and much of the town was burned that night. When a captain arrived the next morning, he began restoring order and reorganizing the troops. Many of them slipped away into the woods south of town rather than go into battle again, but most of them followed orders. They realized that they were foreigners in a land that their rampage of the previous night had made more foreign than ever, and they would have to stick together to survive.

The town officials demanded justice, but the captain took them aside and asked them how he was expected to deliver it. Was he supposed to have all his men shoot themselves? They were all guilty.

There are now 200 soldiers in the town under command of the captain. The townspeople hate them intensely. Most of the soldiers have only what they carried with them, and many had thrown away their rifles when they ran away. The captain has ordered all the arms and ammunition in town seized, and this almost caused an uprising. Now the population is both frightened of what will happen to them if the Soviets leave them without weapons and aching for revenge.

From Beginning Adventure: Escape from Kalisz Page 7.

Now comes the challenge to differentiate between what YOU know and what the CHARACTERS know. Take a step back and assume only the role of the GM. The characters are approaching the town. There is smoke from the recent fires still rising above the town and the presence of Soviet soldiers cannot be missed. They know, however, nothing about the political situation in the town.

I have modified my NPC generator to create 200 stragglers while also modifying their chances to have a weapon and the weapon type. This means some have civilian weapons or no weapons at all. This reflects the captain confiscating the weapons from the population.

The leader of the group, a Veteran NPC can then become our captain. A random Russian name generator also helps here too:

Captain Ignatyev Yuriy (Yura) Filippovich

Veteran (Initiative: 4, Attributes: 7, Assets: 13, UCD: 4)

Wise: The NPC is very wise, and always exhibits good judgment and offers sound advice.

Moderately sociable: The NPC will have a strong sense of duty and loyalty to the group he belongs to.

Note: initiative modifiers are culmulative.

Main Weapon: AKR with 4 magazine(s)/belt(s) and 20 loose rounds
Melee Weapon: Spear
Grenades: Fragmentation Grenade[]

Equipment: Kevlar Helmet, Kevlar Vest, Combat Webbing, Pack, Sleeping Bag, Gas Mask,
Food: 3kg of Domestic Food and 2kg of Wild Food

The motivation does seem to fit the person described in the text above. He is aware of the situation he and his men are in and will try to make the most of it. He does seem more of a talker than a fighter.

Unlike Sieradz, the town will not have an overt military presence like 3 T-80s sitting around the edge of the city. This is a promising sign that might encourage the characters to approach a little closer.

We rolled up on Zloczew slowly. I saw some of them scurry when they say us but no one took us under fire immediately, which was a refreshing feeling. The few we saw seemed to be the poster children for ragged. They had bits of uniform and mixed equipment, both NATO and WP as well as a lot of civilian gear. Some had no weapons at all, but you never know if they do not have it or just don't have it with them. There were a lot, I have to admit that.

We stopped about 50m from a "barrier" that was nothing more than a semi-trailer resting on its side. Klasha approached to within 20m and requested to speak to the commander. A few minutes later, an older captain came around the barrier: He was pushin' 60 at least and had probably been retired and brought back in to serve the Motherland. He had a slight paunch and a receding hair line in full retreat. His AKR was slung and he appearently wanted to talk.

Based on the description of the events of the past few days, the last thing the captain needs now is another firefight. He has men without weapons or with hunting rifles and a lack of heavy weapons. This all combines to mean that the characters can approach the town and attempt to negotiate for safe passage through the town. Just to make sure, we can ask the GME.

[GME: Is Captain Filippovich open to negotiation - Chaos Rank 5 - Somewhat Likely (65%) - 69% - Errr..... No]

OK, so that puts a cramp in the plans. Hopefully he will not try to violently stop the characters.

[GME: Will Captain Filippovich use violence to stop the characters - Chaos Rank 5 - Unlikely (35%) - 71% - No]

This makes it very difficult. Will he just let them through then?

[GME: Will Captain Filippovich let the characters pass through the town - Chaos Rank 5 - 50/50 (50%) - 64% - No]

OK, now the GME has put us in a difficult situation. The captain is not willing to negotiate or let the characters pass through but also not willing to use violence. Now we need to step back and look at the situation. The characters only see a portion of the troops available to the captain and we can assume he has armed them appropriately with the weapons he has available. This means that it may be possible for the Captain to bluff his way through,

[GME: Will Captain Filippovich attempt to bluff in order to keep the characters out of the town - Chaos Rank 5 - Likely (75%) - 60% - Yes]

Now we know what he is up to, the question is why? Maybe he fears the characters could help the townspeople.

[GME: Is Captain Filippovich afraid the characters will ally with the townspeople against his men - Chaos Rank 5 - Somewhat Likely (65%) - 86% - No]

We have reached our five question limit. Time to put on the thinking cap. We need to consider the description of the town, the motivation of the NPC and the questions that we have asked. The captain restored order here after the troops had their way with the town. The townspeople hate him and his men. He confiscated the weapons to arm his men and prevent resistance. He is not will to let the characters pass nor is he willing to negotiate. He will not use violence and will prefer to bluff instead. He does not fear the characters will help the townspeople against his men, Maybe he should, Maybe the townspeople will try to contact the characters. One final question then.

[GME: Will the townspeople attempt to enlist the characters in their struggle - Chaos Rank 5 - 50/50 (50%) - 4% - Extraordinary yes. ]

This is going to be interesting. Maybe Marshall can tell us what happened.

Klasha was busy jawin' with that Soviet captain when I saw movement in the windows behind them. I was about to shout out a warning when several white sheets unrolled behind them. There were several words in Polish that I could not read, but one said "help" and I understood that just fine. I saw Klasha tense up when she noticed them. She hurriedly finished the conversation with the Captain and came back to the vehicles. When she got close enough, she said the sheets say "rape", "murder" and "help". Things were about to go south, I could feel it,

The captain turned and noticed the sheets. He barked a command and several of his men ran toward the offending houses before the sound of doors being kicked in were heard.

Violence is about to occur.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

0028 – Getting the Gear and Out Part II (0600 23 JUL 2000)

Now that the team has geared up, Logan can check everyone out. The scratch wounds have healed from the day before, but there is still a lot to do. Logan must care for the following wounds:

• Griffin has a slight wound (20) to his left arm
• Harris has a slight wound (43) to his chest.
• Macron has a slight wound (30) to his chest.

The rest of the group is unwounded.

Logan has a Medical (Trauma Aid) asset of 17. He treats the wounds of the three troopers for a total of 1.5 hours and then makes his medical roll,

[Treat Griffin's slight wound – Asset Level 17 – Average (x2) – Target Number 19 - Roll(s): 20] - Fail.
[Treat Harris slight wound – Asset Level 17 – Average (x2) – Target Number 19 - Roll(s): 20] - Pass.
[Treat Macron's slight wound – Asset Level 17 – Average (x2) – Target Number 19 - Roll(s): 20] - Pass.

Harris and Macron have their healing time reduced from three days to one day. Griffin gains no benefit but is eligible to roll again tomorrow.

The team decides to reorganize their equipment before moving out.

• Griffin takes a FN-LAR out of storage. Unfortunately there are only two magazine available.
• Klasha takes the UZI and 3 30rd 9mm P magazines.

Others would need equipment like body armor, packs and night vision equipment but there are currently none in stock. This means the characters would need to go shopping. Seeing as they have overstayed their welcome, however, that is not goint to be possible here. Time to get out of dodge.

Note to self: take the other stuff too next time because you never know when you will need it.

The characters have also been on the road for 5 days now (somehow seems longer), so I think it is time to do some experience point conversion. Generally, I give 1 experience point per session and an additional point for an Outstanding Success. The Outstanding Success can only be applied to the skill used. I do not give extra experience points for good roleplaying, as this would be difficult in solo roleplay without being locked up for talking to myself.

I also give one initiative experience per session that involved combat but only for those involved. Experience points may only be applied to skills the character have actually used. These are marked on the character sheet individually.

That being said, I convert the experience as follows:

• Marshall has 3 initiative points and converts them to raise her initiative to 3. In addition, she has 2 experience points and one outstanding success for Small Arms (Rifle) and raises her skill level to 3.
• Logan also uses 3 initiative points to raise his initiative to 3. He will use 1 Outstanding Success point to raise his grenade launcher skill to 1. The rest he will save to use later.
• Harris will use 4 Initiative points to raise his initiative to 4. He will use 1 Outstanding Success point to raise his grenade launcher skill to 1. The rest he will also save to use later.
• Mitchell will use 5 Initiative points to raise her initiative to 5. She will use 3 experience points to raise her grenade launcher skill to 2 from 0.

After some accounting and reduction of the food supplies, the characters will leave town, heading south to Zloczew. Note: this town is actually missing on the map in Escape from Kalisz and is located at the crossroads between Sieradz and Weilun. The distance is 20km and will take the characters approximately 30 minutes.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

0027 – Switching Platforms

Up to this point, I have been using OpenOffice Writer for my journal. It has been a faithful too but my journal is currently 91 pages long. Time to start a new one.

I will be experimenting with KeepNote Portable and will let you know how that works out for me.
In preparation for switching platforms, I have published all entries prior to my starting the blog. They are labeled “Prelude” and all of these episodes happen prior to the groups arrival in Sieradz,

I have also published my journal as a PDF, for those that might be interested.

The link to the file is here.

0005p - Character Relationships

One tool I use is the relationship table from Solo from Zozer Games. I roll a number of relationships totaling half the number of players. This is three in the original group, which were:
  • Married Couple
  • Old (and ex-) friends (its all an act)
  • Blames for a past event
I thought about this and came up with:
  • Logan and Mitchell are married. They met in the rear area and found a spark. Knowing life is short, they decided to do the deed and have been together since.
  • Marshall and Mitchell used to be friends before Mitchell married Logan. In reality, Marshall had a deep interest in Logan before Mitchell made her move. She never brought the courage up to get involved with Logan. She really misses her friend but she feels cheated because of Logan too. She is torn inside.
  • Prior to Potato joining the group, Potato's unit was ambushed by the Ranger company that Griffin belongs to. Potato witness Griffin kill his best friend from afar. He is aware that in war, people die but he still secretly blames Griffin.
I also rolled once for the new players. For them I rolled - 41 Sexual partner. Again, giving it some thought, I came up with:
  • Macron and Klasha are an item. It is not love, more lust, as both are scared of getting attached when they think about their current situation.

0005o - To the Bridge at Sieradz – 0600 21 JUL 2000

In the morning, the group head south toward Sieradz, hoping to find a crossing there. The group have recovered from their scratch and slight wounds. Griffin's serious wound has become slight.

The terrain is wooded and the territory type is still Disputed (-1). The encounter another large unit.

Another important aspect of the characters is relationships. These are supposed to represent troopers that have fought with each other back and forth across Europe. They know and depend on each other. Therefore, they must have a relationship to each other, in addition to being friends.

0005n - Headed West to the Woods – 1400 20 JUL 2000

Following their break, the group mounts up and heads southwest toward point 11. They run into a group of stragglers.

[GME: Does the group contain characters that may join the group - Chaos Rank - Somewhat Likely (35%) - 13% - Yes]

The group encounters three stragglers. These are player characters and may only have the equipment they are carrying.

The three stragglers are:

  • SFC Jack Robinson - US Army Armor: Jack is a career soldier. He got a taste for driving tanks around, and sometimes over, everything. He was really disappointed when he became a ground pounder and is looking forward to getting back into the saddle as soon as possible.
  • SSG Micheal Macron - US Army Infantry: After two tours in the infantry, Micheal left the army to become a cop in his home town. He served well and honorably, but when the war started, Micheal was called back in to serve as an Infantryman.
  • Agent Sukhikh Klara (Klasha) Kirillovna - US Government Agent: Klasha was an American counter-intelligence agent working out of West Berlin. She got caught up in many operations after the war started and eventually found herself stranded in Poland. She has been travelling with a group of stragglers for several days before running into the group

The character bring some new skills, such as Heavy Gun and Forward Observer, as well as additional language skills in Italian, Spanish and Polish and some more observation skills. The group spend the rest of the period getting to know each other and settling in.

Klasha suggest they head south to Krakow. She knows of an American agent stationed there, at least he was the last time communication was working. Maybe he can help the group find a way back home.

The group rearranges the seating order.

3/4-ton truck (Bud) – 2 L7A2s - 1-ton cargo trailer
  • Driver: Caitlyn Mitchell (Ground Vehicle – Wheeled 8)
  • Commander/RTO: Michael Griffin
  • L7A2 Gunner #1: Edward Harris (Autogun 9, Observation 8)
  • L7A2 Gunner #2: Eduard Potapenko (Autogun 15)
  • Passenger: Klasha Kirillovna (Observation 15)

HMMWV #2 (Jerry) – TOW II - 1000l tank trailer

  • Driver: Wayne Logan (Ground Vehicle – Wheeled 8)
  • Commander: Michael Macron (Observation 12)
  • Gunner: Jade Marshall (Observation 6) - Narrator
  • Passenger: Jack Robinson
Since the new arrivals do not have night vision equipment, the group will shelter in place and then head south to try to find a bridge or crossing over the Warta.

Klasha takes a AKR from storage to help improve her chances of survival.

0005m - Travelling South again – 1000 20 JUL 2000

The group continues on south toward point 2 and reach it about 10, after cleaning up the BTR. There are cities in most directions, so the group decide to strike out directly west and make for the woods on the other side. The reach point 4 without interruption by the end of the period. The group refuels, rearms and takes a break to eat.

0005l - BTR Cleanup – 0615 20 JUL 2000

Logan performs first aid on everyone. The task is Difficult (x1) and the Medical - Trauma Aid asset is 17. The first aid is successful on everyone but Griffin. Despite the failure, no infection develops for Griffin.

Beyond the damage to the radio and the M2HB, Jerry has sustained very little real damage. The HMMWV may be driven without further problems.

Mitchel and Logan replace the M2HB with the TOW II. Griffin takes a break in the back of Bud while the others police up the mess.

The haul is as follows:
  • AT-3 'Sagger' with 1 rounds
  • Vz-59 with 6 belt(s)
  • MG3 with 6 belt(s)
  • Vz-54 with 5 magazine(s)/belt(s) and 10 loose rounds
  • M231 with 6 magazine(s)/belt(s) and 10 loose rounds
  • RPK with 2 magazine(s)/belt(s) and 20 loose rounds
  • RPK-74 with 1 magazine(s)/belt(s) and 10 loose rounds
  • M21 with 1 magazine(s)/belt(s) and 20 loose rounds
  • PSG1 with 4 magazine(s)/belt(s) and 10 loose rounds
  • FN-LAR with 3 magazine(s)/belt(s) and 10 loose rounds
  • M16A2 with 2 magazine(s)/belt(s) and 20 loose rounds
  • 1 Directional Mine(s)
  • White Phosphorus (WP) Grenade
  • Concussion Grenade
  • 2 Thermite Grenades
  • 4 Personal Medkits
  • 11kg of MREs
  • 2kg of Domestic Food
  • 6kg of Wild Food
  • 2kg of Soviet Field Rations
Griffin trades in his M40 for an FN-LAR. He would have taken the M21, but there is only one magazine. Mitchell mounts a telescopic rifle sight for him (Average x2, Asset 9, Roll 6, Outstanding success).

The group rearranges the seating order.

3/4-ton truck (Bud) – 2 L7A2s - 1-ton cargo trailer
  • Driver: Caitlyn Mitchell (Ground Vehicle – Wheeled 8)
  • Commander/RTO: Michael Griffin
  • L7A2 Gunner #1: Edward Harris (Autogun 9, Observation 8) 
  • L7A2 Gunner #2: Eduard Potapenko (Autogun 15)

HMMWV #2 (Jerry) – TOW - 1000l tank trailer

  • Driver: Wayne Logan (Ground Vehicle – Wheeled 8)
  • Commander/Gunner: Jade Marshall (Observation 6) - Narrator
Bud will lead the way followed by Jerry at 50m

0005k - Moving South – 0600 20 JUL 2000

The team begins to move south, approaching point 2 on the point crawl map. The distance is 10km cross country. This will take approximately 20 minutes. On the way, the group encounter a large unit.

The encounter distance is 20m. The large unit has an observation asset of 16, which is effectively halved due to the presence of a large number of men and a vehicle. The difficulty is Difficult and the roll is 20 (Catastrophic failure).

The party has an observation of 8, which is effectively doubled due to the large enemy presence. The difficulty level is Difficult (x1) and the roll is 17, failure.

Both groups continue for one turn before moving into the minimum range of 10m. Both groups are surprised and spend one turn staring at each other. Then the shooting starts.

The large unit is made of elite, veteran and experienced NPCs. The group has the following initiative values:
  • Marshall: 2
  • Harris: 2 (reduced from 3 due to slight wound)
  • Logan: 2
  • Griffin: 5
  • Mitchell: 4
  • Potato: 5
The HMMWV Jerry is in the lead, followed by the ¾-ton at 50m Logan is driving Jerry, with Marshall as commander and Potato on the .50. Mitchell is driving the ¾-ton with Griffin as the commander and Harris in the back.

Turn 1 – Initiative Step 5

Potato fires a burst at the BTR-80. The range is 20m and he difficulty is Impossible (x1/4). His asset level is 15, so the target number is 3 or less. The rolls are 1,2,20,8,4, resulting in two hits. The first round hits the turret. The turret armor is 2. The final penetration for the slap rounds is 8+9 = 17. After the armor is removed, the final penetration is 15. This results in two minor damage results. Both rounds hit the sight/vision. The only vision elements are the headlights, which are destroyed.

The second round impacts on the hull. The hull armor is 3 in the front. The final penetration is 8 + 3 = 11. The armor reduces this value to 8, which causes one minor hit. Two passengers are hit by fragments. There are 4 passengers from unit six. Random rolls determine that #2 and #3 are hit.

Veteran soldier #6-2 suffers 5 hits. The hits have a penetration of nil. Veteran soldier #6-2 is hit in:

  • 4 (Chest) – 6 (No quick kill)
  • 9 (Left Leg) – 1
  • 3 hits to 6 (Abdomen) – 10 (total)
Veteran soldier #6-2 is knocked down.

Veteran soldier #6-3 takes 1 fragment to the left leg for 6 points of damage. He panics and bails out. He will remain prone until turn #3.

No one in the danger zone is hit by the three stray rounds.

Experienced soldier #5-3 panics and bails out. He is climbing out until turn 3 and will remain bailed out until turn 5.

Elite soldier #0-1 dismounts and takes cover in the treeline.

Elite soldier #1-1 orders his men to dismount and unlimber the Rapira-3 and orient toward the BTR-80.

Elite soldier #2-1 orders his squad to dismount and form a firing line on both sides of the road, in front of the 5-ton.

Elite soldier #3-1 dismounts and goes prone in the tree line. He orders his men to from up on him.

Elite soldier #4-1 orders his men to dismount and take cover in the ruins to the front of the 5-ton, with the exception of the driver.

Elite soldier #5-1 orders the infantry to dismount and for the gunner to engage the HMMWV with the KPV.

Elite soldier #6-1 dismounts and makes for the tree line to the south.

Griffin dismounts and takes to the tree line.

Turn 1 – Initiative Step 4

Mitchell dismounts from Bud. Seeing the numbers they are up against. Mitchell fires her M203 at the BTR-80. The range is 60m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). Her asset level is 4, making the target number 8 or less. She is truly desperate. Mitchell rolls a 7 (hit).

The round hits the hull side. The final penetration value is 4+6 = 10 – 1 (Side Armor) = 9. This results in one minor hit. The gunner is hit by two fragments. He is hit in the chest for 1 but his vest stops the penetration. He takes 1 point blunt trauma. The other fragment hits his left leg for 3, for a total of 4. He is not knocked down but will lose his next action due to the scratch wound.

– Concussion Value 3 (First 10m block)
Experienced soldier #5-3 takes 12 points of concussion damage as he is climbing out of the hatch.

Elite soldier #0-1 takes 5 points of concussion damage. His horse (Horse #0-1) takes 5 (55 remaining).

Horse #3-1 takes 16 points of concussion damage (44 points remaining).

Veteran soldier #6-3 takes 10 points of concussion damage.

– Concussion Value 1 (Second 10m block)
Veteran soldier #0-2 takes 3 points of damage from concussion and his horse takes 4 points from concussion (56 remaining).

Elite soldier #3-1 takes 5 points of damage from concussion.

Veteran soldier #3-2 takes 2 points of damage from concussion.

Elite soldier #6-1 takes 6 points of damage from concussion.

Potato takes one point of damage to the head and one to the chest from concussion.

- Fragmentation – Primary Blast Radius

Elite soldier #0-1 takes 2 fragments (chest – 1 + 1 blunt trauma, left leg – 5, total of 7, no quick kill, knocked down) and his horse takes no fragments.

Veteran soldier #0-2 takes 1 fragment (head – 8 points, no quick kill, knocked down and stunned) and his horse takes no fragments.

Horse #3-1 takes 5 fragments (hindquarter - 6, hindquarter - 9, head - 6, chest - 5, chest – 4, total 30, 14 remaining, no quick kill, seriously wounded)

Experienced soldier #5-3 (upper body only) has one possible hit but it is to the legs and they is still within the vehicle. He takes no other fragments.

Elite soldier #6-1 takes no fragments.

Veteran soldier #6-3 takes 1 fragment to the right leg for 5 points of damage. His initiative is reduced to 0 and he is removed from the fight.

The HMMWV takes no fragments, despite being in the primary blast radius.

Logan takes 1 fragment to the chest for 4 + 1(blunt trauma) points of damage. The fragment did not hit the armor. He loses his next turn due to the slight wound.

Marshall takes one fragment to the right leg for 6. The fragment penetrated the armor before hitting Marshall. She will lose her next turn.

Potato is peppered by 5 fragments. His chest and above our outside the HMMWV but he takes several fragments to their legs. The hits are:

  • Left Leg – Hits armor – 6 points of damage
  • Left Leg– Hits armor - 1 point of damage
  • Right Leg – 7 points of damage
  • Right Leg -3 points of damage
  • Right Leg– Hits armor – 6 points of damage
- Fragmentation – Secondary Blast Radius
Neither Veteran soldier #0-3 nor his horse take any fragments.

Elite soldier #3-1 takes three fragments (Right arm – 4, abdomen – 2+1, right leg – 7, total 14) and his horse (hindquarter – 11, forequarter – 6, hindquarter – 8, hindquarter – 12, total 37) both take multiple fragments. Elite soldier #3-1 is knocked down. His horse is killed.

Veteran soldier #3-2 takes 5 fragments (Head – 9 [Quick Kill], Abdomen 5+1, Abdomen 1+1, Right Arm – 7, Head - 6), but his horse takes none. He is killed by a fragment to the head. He falls from the saddle and his horse bolts.

Veteran soldier #3-3also takes 5 fragments (Chest – 8, Abdomen – 4, Chest – 9, Abdomen – 8, Left -Arm – 7, total 36), but his horse also takes none. His is killed by the quick kill rule due to the damage to his chest. His horse also bolts after he falls from the saddle.

The vehicle has again been penetrated by fire. The commander and gunner of the BTR-80 remain at their stations and do not bail-out, neither do the remaining passengers.

Veteran soldier #0-3 dismounts and takes cover within the tree line.

Veteran soldier #1-2, Veteran soldier #1-3 and Veteran soldier #1-4 dismount from the 5-ton and begins to unlimber the Rapira-3.

Veteran soldier #2-2, Veteran soldier #2-3, Veteran soldier #2-4, Veteran soldier #2-5, Veteran soldier #2-6, Veteran soldier #2-7 and Veteran soldier #2-8 dismount from the 5-ton and form a firing line.

Veteran soldier #3-4 and Veteran soldier #3-6 leave their horses with Veteran soldier #3-5 before dismounting and forming up on the firing line.

Veteran soldier #4-2, Veteran soldier #4-3 and Veteran soldier #4-4 dismount and form up on the firing line.

Turn 1 – Initiative Step 3

Experienced soldier #0-4 and Experienced soldier #0-6 leave their horses with Experienced soldier #0-5 before dismounting.

Experienced soldier #0-8 leaves his horse with Experienced soldier #0-7 before dismounting into the tree line.

Experienced soldier #1-5 dismounts and begins to unlimber the Rapira-3. The Rapira-3 will take 48 rounds to set up.

Experienced soldier #2-9 dismounts from the 5-ton and forms up in the tree line.

Experienced soldier #3-7 leaves his horse with Veteran soldier #3-5 and moves into the firing line.

Experienced soldier #4-5 remains in place. He is the driver of the 5-ton.

Experienced soldier #6-4 dismounts with his MG3 and moves toward the tree line.
Turn 1 – Initiative Step 2

Logan and Mitchell both lose their turns due to their scratch wounds.

Harris readies a RPG-16 that is laying in the back of the truck.

At the end of turn 1, the Soviets have suffered 6 wounded and 2 KIA (24%). These are soldiers of the Soviet 20th Tank Division. They have recently fought with the 5th Division and are spoiling for a rematch. Although they want revenge, they are not willing to commit suicide. The route retreat point is 40%. The rout and surrender are set at 60% and 75% respectively.

"We were rolling along this road in the woods. More of a firebreak than a road, Logan was preparing to round a corner a kind of y-intersection when he almost has a fender-bender with a BTR-80 that took his right of way. Serious pucker-factor.

Interestingly enough, everyone seemed surprised and kind of stared at each other for a bit. Then all hell broke lose. Potato let off a burst from the Ma Deuce at close range. The SLAP rounds tore through the armor and apparently did some damage.

The next thing I know, Russians are pouring out of the woodwork , jumping out of vehicles. dropping of horses and takin' cover all over the place.

One guy in particular had a bad day: the driver of the BTR seems to have panicked when Potato lit them up. He threw open his hatch and was in the process of climbing out when the grenade found its target.

Mitchell, that crazy [deleted for good taste] popped a forty mike-mike HEDP round into the side of that thing. The concussion rolled over everybody and then fragments were EVERYWHERE. The Russians and there horses took a lot, but Potato took some to the legs, which he was extremely upset about and had some choice words in Russian for Mitchell later." 

Turn 2 – Initiative Step 6

Horse #3-2 and Horse #3-3 continue to bolt away and both leave the map. The rest are nervous but the troops still have them under control.
Turn 2 – Initiative Step 5

Elite soldier #1-1 dismounts from the 5-ton and begins to help his men unlimber the Rapira.

Elite soldier #2-1 dismounts from the 5-ton and orders his men to begin moving the firing line forward with bounding movements.

Elite soldier #4-1 dismounts from the 5-ton and orders his men to begin moving the firing line forward with bounding movements.

Elite soldier #5-1 orders the gunner to engage the HMMWV and moves to take over the driver seat.

Potato loses his turn due to the wounds he suffered from the fragments (first scratch wound).

Griffin engages the driver of the BTR-80 (Experienced soldier #5-3) climbing out of the vehicle. The range is 45m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). The asset level is 12. The target number is 16 or less. The legs are protected by the vehicle. The roll is a 1 (Outstanding Success) – double damage.

The round hits the legs. The side armor is 1, reducing the damage dice to 2. The damage is 7, x2 or 14. The NPCs hit points are reduced to 14 and his initiative is reduced to 0, taking him out of the fight.

Turn 2 – Initiative Step 4

Elite soldier #0-1 loses his action, as he is knocked down.

Veteran soldier #0-3 bounds forward and drops prone.

Veteran soldier #1-2, Veteran soldier #1-3 and Veteran soldier #1-4 continue to unlimber and prepare the Rapira.

Veteran soldier #2-2 bounds forward and drops prone.

Veteran soldier #2-3 bounds forward and drops prone.

Veteran soldier #2-4 bounds forward and drops prone.

Veteran soldier #2-5, Veteran soldier #2-6, Veteran soldier #2-7 and Veteran soldier #2-8 go prone and into overwatch

Elite soldier #3-1 is knocked down and misses his turn.

Veteran soldier #3-4 bounds forward and drops prone.

Veteran soldier #3-5 leads the horses away from the firefight.

Veteran soldier #3-6 bounds forward and drops prone.

Veteran soldier #4-2, Veteran soldier #4-3 and Veteran soldier #4-4 bound forward and drop prone.

Elite soldier #6-1 drops prone and fires two bursts from his AKR at the HMMWV. The range is 15m (Short) and the difficulty is Impossible (x1/4). The target number is 3. There are two possible hits from the first burst and one possible hit from the second.

The first round hits the armor, the second and third do not. The final penetration for the rounds is 2, 3 and 3. All three cause minor hits. The first round causes Potato to be hit by two fragments. The first its the abdomen but is stopped by the vest (1 point of damage for blunt trauma). The second hits his helmet but causes 1 point of blunt trauma damage.

The second round hits Logan in the Right Arm for 1 point of damage. The third round also causes Logan to be hit by six fragments. The hits are 3 (Left Arm – 2), 7 (Right Leg – 5),5 (Abdomen – 1 blunt trauma), 2 (Right Arm 4) ,7 (Right Leg – 5), 7 (Right Leg – 6). Logan is knocked down and his initiative reduced to 1 due to his slight wound in the right leg.

Mitchell bounds forward and goes prone.

Turn 2 – Initiative Step 3

Veteran soldier #0-2 is no longer stunned. He bounds for the cover of the wood line.

Experienced soldier #0-4 bounds forward to keep his place in the line.

Experienced soldier #0-5 brings the horses out of the immediate combat area.

Experienced soldier #0-6 bounds forward to keep his place in the line.

Experienced soldier #0-7 brings the horses out of the immediate combat area.

Experienced soldier #0-8 bounds forward to keep his place in the line.

Experienced soldier #1-5 continues to help unlimber the Rapira.

Experienced soldier #2-9 bounds forward and goes prone.

Experienced soldier #3-7 bounds forward and goes prone.

Experienced soldier #4-5 holds his position behind the wheel of the 5-ton.

Veteran soldier #5-2 lets off 5 5-rounds bursts at the HMMWV. The range is 10m (definitely very short). The difficulty level is Impossible (x1/4) and the asset level is 13, so the target number is 3 or less. The burst have the following effects:

  • First burst – no hits (5,6,10,4,4)
  • Second burst – no hits (13,12,5,6,6)
  • Third burst – no hits (14,16,8,13,14)Fourth burst – Two hits (14,2,2,8,6,). The first round hits the armor, the second does not. The first round has a final penetration value of 10, resulting in one minor damage (2 passengers), which is ignored, as there are no current passengers. The second round has a final penetration of 12, which causes 2 minor hits. The first escalates to a major hit (6) and the second (3) is ignored, as there are no current passengers. The major hit damages the M2HB.
  • Fifth burst – no hits (16,6,14,13,15,)
Veteran soldier #6-2 crawls out of the BTR and goes prone nearby.

Experienced soldier #6-4 fires three burst from his MG3 at the HMMWV. The range is 15m (Short – no loss of dice) and the difficulty is Impossible (x1/4). The asset level is 11 and the target number is 2. The results of the burst are:

Rolls: 3,2,13,1,16 – 1 possible hit. The bullet is not stopped by the armor. Final penetration 4, 1 minor hit. Location roll of 6, upgraded to a major damage roll. Roll of 5, Weapon/Ammo. The hit is to a weapon. Currently there are three weapons on board: 1 M2HB, 1 RPG-16 and the damaged Mk-19 Grenade Launcher. A random roll shows the bullet his the Mark-19 again. The weapon will now require two parts to be repaired.

Rolls: 8,16,7,18,20 – No hits. The weapon jams due to the 20 as a Catastrophic Failure.
Turn 2 – Initiative Step 2

Logan was knocked down and will lose his turn.

Harris prepared an RPG last turn. He fires it at the BTR. The range to the BTR is 60m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). His asset level is 8, giving a target number of 16 or less. The roll is a 7 (Hit).

The rocket hits the suspension. The final penetration value is 65+3 or 68. The damage level is 4, resulting in the BTR being immobilized. I am sure Harris planned had planned for something else.

The wave of concussion sweeps over the BTR and the surrounding troopers, causing the following damage to those within 10m of the vehicle:
  • Horse #0-1 takes 14 points of damage from concussion and bolts.
  • Experienced soldier #5-3 (the driver of the BTR) takes another 14 points of damage from concussion and is killed.
  • Veteran soldier #6-2 takes another 9 points of damage from concussion and is knocked down again.
  • Experienced soldier #6-3 takes another 12 points of damage from concussion. He is currently out of the fight anyway.
The following damage is caused to those within the second 10m radius:
  • Elite soldier #0-1 takes 1 point of damage from concussion.
  • Horse #0-2 takes 3 points of damage from concussion.
  • Elite soldier #3-1 takes 1 point of damage from concussion.
  • Elite soldier #6-1 takes 3 points of damage from concussion.
  • Experienced soldier #6-4 takes 1 point of damage from concussion
Fragments follow the concussion. The following are within the primary blast area:
  • Horse #0-1 takes one fragment to the hindquarter for 7 points of damage
  • Veteran soldier #6-2 takes one fragment to the chest for 5 points of damage. He is now critically wounded.
  • Experienced soldier #6-3 takes three fragments (4 (Chest) – 11, 3 (Left Arm) – 7, 8 (Right Leg) – 12) for a total of 30. He is killed.
The secondary blast radius has the following PCs and NPCs in it:
  • Elite soldier #0-1 takes 1 fragment to the arm for 6 points of damage
  • Veteran soldier #0-2 takes no fragments
  • Horse #0-2 takes no fragments
  • Elite soldier #3-1 takes one fragment to the leg for 6 points of damage
  • Elite soldier #6-1 takes no fragments
  • Experienced soldier #6-4 takes two fragments (3 (Left Arms) – 6, 1 (Head) – 5, as he has no helmet – no quick kill) for a total of 11. He is stunned, however, by the fragment.
  • The HMMWV is not hit by fragments.
Marshall fires two rounds at Experienced soldier #6-4. The range is 40m (Short). The difficulty is average (x2) and her asset level is 6. She will get a mod of -2 on the second shot due to recoil. The target numbers are 12 and 10 respectively. She rolls 9,1 (outstanding success), both of which are potential hits. The first round hits his arm for arm for 13. His initiative is reduced to 0, taking him out of the fight. The second round hits his abdomen and is a miss, as he is prone.

At the end of the turn, the Russians have 7 WIA and 4 KIA, for a total of 27%. They will continue to fight. Logan, Marshall and Potato have taken a lot of fragments and the M2 has been damaged, as has the Mk-19 (again).

I watched in kind of a horrified fascination as the turret of the BTR swung around. The muzzle looked as big as a 155mm from my point of view. The gunner opened up with a very long burst and slugs started zippin’ through Jerry like the were a convertible. Amazingly no one got hit, although one round put the Ma Deuce out of commission.

The rounds had not finished before someone opened up on our right with an MG3. Again, rounds were buzzin’ like angry bees and no one gut hit. If that is not a miracle, I do not know what is. I was celebrating our good fortune when an RPG flew in from behind us. Harris thought it was a good idea.

Unfortunately the rocket got caught up in the suspension and although they would not be drivin’ anywhere anytime soon, it did not solve the problem of the KPV I was staring down. I fired off some rounds at the MG3 and I seem to have gotten some hits, as he dropped his weapon and grabbed his arm. Serves him right, if you ask me.

Turn 3 – Initiative Step 5

Elite soldier #1-1 continues to help with the Rapira.

Elite soldier #2-1 bounds into the tree line after his men.

Elite soldier #4-1 bounds into the tree line after his men.

Elite soldier #5-1 dismounts from the damaged BTR. He orders the gunner to keep engaging the target.

Potato hurls a grenade into the mass of soldiers to his right. The distance is 30m (effective range) and the difficulty is Difficult (x1). His asset level is 9. The roll is 13, the grenade deviates, 6m in the direction of 5. Not exactly where he wanted it, but close enough.

The grenade explodes, catching several soldiers and horses within the blast radius. The following effects are caused by the first 10m radius for concussion:
  • Horse #0-2 takes 9 points of damage from concussion and bolts.
  • Veteran soldier #0-2 takes 12 points of damage from concussion and is knocked down.
  • Experienced soldier #6-4 takes 12 points of damage from concussion and is killed.
  • Veteran soldier #2-3 takes 11 points of damage from concussion and he is knocked down.
The second 10m ring for concussion causes the following damage:

  • Elite soldier #0-1 takes 2 points of damage from concussion
  • Veteran soldier #0-3 takes 6 points of damage from concussion
  • Horse #0-3 takes 2 points of damage from concussion and bolts
  • Veteran soldier #2-4 takes 5 points of damage from concussion
  • Veteran soldier #2-6 takes 6 points of damage from concussion
  • Veteran soldier #2-7 takes 5 points of damage from concussion
  • Experienced soldier #6-4 takes 4 points of damage from concussion
Following the concussion comes the fragments. The following troopers/horses are within the blast radius:
  • Elite soldier #0-1 takes no fragments
  • Veteran soldier #0-2 takes 1 fragment to the leg for 5 points of damage
  • Horse #0-2 takes six fragments (7 (Abdomen) – 1,8 (Hindquarter) – 6, 4 (Forequarter) – 4, 3 (Forequarter) – 6, 2 (Forequarter) – 1, 4 (Forequarter) - 2) for a total of 20.
  • Veteran soldier #2-3 takes 1 fragment to the leg for 8
  • Veteran soldier #2-7 takes multiple fragments (1 (Head) – 6, 4 (Chest) – 6, 1 (Head) – 4, 3 (Arm) – 2, 9 (Leg) – 4, 4 (Chest) - 1) for a total of 23. The total damage to the head is 10 and the chest is 7. Both may result in quick kills. The chest hits result in a quick kill.
  • Veteran soldier #6-2 takes no fragments

The following troopers/horses are within the secondary blast radius:
  • Veteran soldier #0-3 takes no fragments
  • Elite soldier #2-1 takes no fragments
  • Veteran soldier #2-2 takes no fragments
  • Veteran soldier #2-4 takes no fragments
  • Veteran soldier #2-6 takes no fragments
  • Elite soldier #3-1 takes three fragments (5 (Abdomen) – 0 due to the vest + 1 for blunt trauma ,8 (Leg) - 6 , 2 (Arm) – 4) for a total of 11.
  • Veteran soldier #4-4 takes no fragments
  • Elite soldier #6-1 takes no fragments
  • HMMWV Jerry is hit by one fragment that does not hit the armor. Final penetration is 4. This results in 1 minor hit to the hull. The two passengers hit is converted to a crew member hit, as there are not passengers. Potato takes a fragment from his own grenade in the left arm for 3 points of damage
Griffin goes into overwatch as he hears people coming from the woods to the northwest.

Turn 3 – Initiative Step 4

Veteran soldier #1-2, Veteran soldier #1-3 and Veteran soldier #1-4 continue to prepare the Rapira for firing with the rest of their team.

Veteran soldier #2-2 bounds forward and drops prone again.

Veteran soldier #2-4 also bounds forward and drops prone again.

Veteran soldier #2-5 remains prone and in overwatch.

Veteran soldier #3-4 and Veteran soldier #3-6 run south in an attempt to outflank the enemy.

Veteran soldier #3-5 continues to hold the horses for his group.

Veteran soldier #4-2, Veteran soldier #4-3 and Veteran soldier #4-4 bound forward toward the enemy.

Elite soldier #6-1 realizes he is exposed and takes cover in the treeline.

Mitchell fires at two rounds at Veteran soldier #6-2 laying exposed in the road. The distances is 45m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). The asset level is 7, giving target number of 16 or less. The second round will have a -2DM due to recoil. The first round is a possible hit but misses because it is an abdomen hit and the target is prone.
Turn 3 – Initiative Step 3

Veteran soldier #0-3 bounds toward the road. While he is running, Griffin sees him from his overwatch position and fires a round. The distance is 10m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). The asset level 12, giving a target number of 16 or less. The roll is a 17, resulting in an automatic miss. Veteran soldier #0-3 goes prone on the side of the road.

Experienced soldier #0-5 and Experienced soldier #0-7 continue to stand by with their horses.

Experienced soldier #0-6 and Experienced soldier #0-8 run to the East in an attempt to flank the enemy.

Experienced soldier #1-5 continues to help his team with the Rapira-3.

Veteran soldier #2-3 is knocked down and loses his turn.

Veteran soldier #2-6 remains in overwatch.

Experienced soldier #2-9 runs toward the South in an attempt to outflank the enemy.

Experienced soldier #3-7 runs toward the South in an attempt to outflank the enemy.

Experienced soldier #4-5 remains in the driver’s seat of the 5-Ton.

Veteran soldier #5-2 lets off 5 more 5-rounds bursts at the HMMWV. The range is 10m (definitely very short). The difficulty level is Impossible (x1/4) and the asset level is 13, so the target number is 3 or less. The burst have the following effects:

  • 20 (Miss), 5 (Miss), 3 (Hit), 3 (Hit), 7 (Miss). The first hit the hull hull and is stopped by the the armor. The final penetration is 10, resulting in one minor hit (1 Crewmember). Potato takes 5 fragments (10 (Left Leg – 4), 2 (Right Arm – 3), 7 (Right Leg – 2), 5 (Abdomen – 1 blunt trauma),5 (Abdomen – 1 blunt trauma)). Potato is knocked down and now has a slight wound (Left Leg), reducing his initiative to 4. The second hit also hits the hull armor, resulting in a final penetration of 10 (Minor Hit – Radio).
  • 19 (Miss), 18 (Miss), 4 (Miss), 3 (Hit), 13 (Miss). The fourth round hits the hull but is not stopped by the armor. The final penetration is 12, resulting in two minor damage results. The first hits results in two passengers being hit. Since there are no passengers, this is changed to 1 crew member. The driver (Logan) is hit by one fragment in the left arm for 5 points of damage.
  • 9 (Miss), 11 (Miss), 15 (Miss), 12 (Miss), 14 (Miss)
  • 2 (Hit), 9 (Miss), 15 (Miss), 14 (Miss), 12 (Miss). The round hits the hull armor. The final penetration is 10, resulting in one minor hit. The commander (Marshall) gets hit by 6 fragments (7 (Right Leg - 6), 3 (Left Arm - 5), 1 (Head - 5), 9 (Left Leg - 3), 2 (Right Arm - 6), 2 (Right Arm – 2)). Marshall has a slight wound (Right Leg) and her initiative is reduced to 1. She is also knocked down and will lose her next turn. Marshall is also stunned.
  • 10 (Miss), 6 (Miss), 7 (Miss), 3 (Hit), 8 (Miss). The round hits the hull but is not stopped by the armor. The final penetration is 12 resulting in two minor hits. The first results in 2 passengers being hit, which is converted into one crew. Potato is hit in the left leg again for 6 points of damage. The second round hits the radio again but causes no other damage.
Harris drops the RPG-16 and picks up his M16.

Turn 3 – Initiative Step 2

Elite soldier #0-1 bounds to the left and goes prone.

Experienced soldier #0-4 and Elite soldier #3-1 both miss their turns, as they are knocked down.

Logan realizes the BTR is chewing them up. Out of desperation, he fires his M203 at the BTR. The range is 20m (Short). The difficulty is Average (x2) and the asset level is 6, resulting in a target number of 12 or less. The roll is a 2 (Outstanding Success). The round hits the hull and has a final penetration of 4 + 12, for a total of 16. This results in two minor hits. The first hit results in one crewmember being hit. The only remaining crewmember is the gunner (Veteran soldier #5-2). He takes 5 fragments (6 (Abdomen – 1 blunt trauma), 2 (Right Arm – 2), 3 (Left Arm – 6), 5 (Abdomen – 1 blunt trauma), 7 (Right Leg – 1)), for a total of 11. He is knocked down and will miss his next turn.

The second minor hit results in two passengers, which is changed to one crewmember. The gunner is again hit. He takes another fragment for 1 point of damage.

--- Concussion ---
Elite soldier #5-1 and Veteran soldier #6-2 are within the first 10m concussion radius. They take 13 and 9 points of concussion damage. Veteran soldier #6-2 is killed by the concussion. Elite soldier #5-1 is knocked down.

Elite soldier #0-1, Elite soldier #3-1 and Elite soldier #6-1 are within the second 10m concussion radius. They take 1, 4 and 5 points of concussion damage respectively. Elite soldier #3-1 is killed by the concussion.

--- Primary Fragmentation ---

Elite soldier #5-1 is within the primary burst radius but takes no fragments. No fragments hit the HMMWV either.

--- Secondary Fragmentation ---

No one within the secondary blast radius takes any fragments.

Potato lobbed a grenade at a group of Russians to the right. I don't know how they did, as I had already grabbed my boots and pulled myself into my helmet. There was a lot of screaming and cussin' afterward and Potato took another fragment from his own grenade. Maybe he should throw it farther next time.

That KPV opened up with a few bursts and fragments and parts of bullets and other crap starting zingin' around. The radio took a hit right near my head and another hit my head. Things got kind of fuzzy then, but I swear I heard a 203 belch before I lost it. I remember another big explosion though.

The team is trying desperately to drive back the Russians before the KPV chews up the Hummer. Marshall took a hit to the head and is stunned. Potato got some good hits in with a grenade but took a fragment himself. He now has a slight wound and has his initiative reduced to 4.

Logan popped the BTR with his M203 at close range out of desperation. The gunner in the BTR chewed up the hummer yet again and the crew is suffering from all the small hits. The 203 penetrated and knocked down the gunner, so at least they have a little peace.

Despite suffering 9 WIA and 7 KIA, the Russians have not reached the break point yet.

Turn 4 – Initiative Step 5

Elite soldier #1-1 continues to help with the Rapira.

Elite soldier #2-1 charges forward, yelling at his men to follow.

Elite soldier #4-1 advances with his men on the flanking manuever.

Griffin fires again at Veteran soldier #0-3. The distance is 15m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). The asset level is 12, giving at target number of 16 or less. The roll is a 19 (Miss).
Turn 4 – Initiative Step 4

Veteran soldier #1-2, Veteran soldier #1-3 and Veteran soldier #1-4 continue to unlimber the Rapira.

Veteran soldier #2-2 sprints forward, sees Griffin and drops prone before warning his companions.

Veteran soldier #2-4 bounds forward and drops prone.

Veteran soldier #2-5 remains prone and in overwatch.

Veteran soldier #2-8 hears about the contact with the enemy and runs forward.

Veteran soldier #3-4 and Veteran soldier #3-6 sprint across the road and make for the opposite treeline.

Veteran soldier #3-5 holds the horses for his group.

Veteran soldier #4-2, Veteran soldier #4-3 and Veteran soldier #4-4 bound forward an go prone.

Elite soldier #5-1 and Elite soldier #6-1both miss their turns because the were knocked down.

Potato misses his turn since he is knocked down.

Mitchell fires two single rounds at Elite soldier #0-1. The range is 30m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). The asset level is 7, giving a target number of 14 or less. The second round has a DM of -2 due to recoil. Both rounds are possible hits but miss because the target is prone.
Turn 4 – Initiative Step 3

Taking fire from two sides, Veteran soldier #0-3 decides to fire back. He fires two rounds from his FN-FAL at Griffin. The range is 30m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). The asset level is 13, giving a target number of 16 or less. The second round has a -1 DM due to recoil. Both rounds hit Griffin in the left arm. Griffin takes 36 points of damage to his left arm. He is knocked down and now has a serious wound. He must make a Difficult roll against his constitution to remain concious. His constitution is 7 and the roll is 11. Griffin loses conciousness.

Experienced soldier #0-4, Experienced soldier #0-6 and Experienced soldier #0-8 continue to flank the characters.

Experienced soldier #0-5 and Experienced soldier #0-7 hold the horses for their group.

Experienced soldier #1-5 continues to help prepare the Rapria.

Veteran soldier #2-3 remains prone and goes into overwatch.

Veteran soldier #2-6 remains in overwatch.

Experienced soldier #2-9 charges across the road with the flanking group.

Experienced soldier #3-7 follows Experienced soldier #2-9 across the road.

Experienced soldier #4-5 remains behind the wheel of the 5-ton.

Veteran soldier #5-2 misses his turn because he was knocked down.

Turn 4 – Initiative Step 2

Elite soldier #0-1 fires 4 single rounds at Mitchell. The range is 35m (Medium) and the difficulty is Difficult (x1). The asset level 15 and the target number is 15 or less. All four are possible hits but three miss because the target is prone. One round hits Mitchell in the head. The round hits her helmet and causes 6+1 (blunt trauma) = 7 points of damge. Mitchell now has a slight wound and is stunned.

Harris fires three rounds from his M16A2 at Veteran soldier #0-3. The range is 35m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). The asset level is 13 and the target number is 16 or less. The last round has a -1 DM due to recoil. One round hits the target in the chest. He has a flak vest and takes 7+1 (blunt trauma) = 8 points of damage to the chest. This does not result in a quick kill but the target is knocked down.

Turn 4 – Initiative Step 1

Veteran soldier #0-2 remains prone and goes into overwatch.

Logan fires three single rounds at Experienced soldier #2-9. The range is 35m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). The asset level is 10 and the target number is 16 or less. The last round has a -3DM due to recoil. Two rounds hit and the second round is an outstanding success (x2 damage). The first round hits him in the leg and the second in the arm . The damage is 13 + 10 (x2) = 33 points of damage. Experienced soldier #2-9 is knocked down.

Marshall regains her senses and is no longer stunned. She fires two rounds from her M177 at Elite soldier #0-1. The range is 10m (Short) and the difficulty is Average (x2). The asset level is 6, giving a target number of 12 or less. The second round has a -2DM due to recoil. Their is one possible hit but it misses because the target is prone.

I came to my senses and there were commies running everywhere. There was some firing from Griffin's and Mitchell's positions behind me but that dropped off. Logan dropped one off to our left and Potato was still cursing about the fragment he took to the wing. It was looking bad for us.

Mitchell has recovered from her stunned state but Griffin is unconcious and Mitchell is stunned. On the bright side, the Russians have finally reached their breaking point and will begin to withdraw.

Turn 5 – Initiative Step 5

Elite soldier #1-1 feels the tide of battle turn against him and his group. He orders his men to limber the Rapria and remount the 5-ton (4 turns).

Elite soldier #2-1 blows his whistle and orders the men to retreat.

Elite soldier #4-1 goes prone and into overwatch to cover the retreat of his men.
Turn 5 – Initiative Step 4

Veteran soldier #1-2, Veteran soldier #1-3 and Veteran soldier #1-4 begin to limber the Rapira.

Veteran soldier #2-2 changes course and moves to help Veteran soldier #0-3 retreat.

Veteran soldier #2-4 moves to help Elite soldier #0-1 retreat.

Veteran soldier #2-5 remains in overwatch, covering the retreat.

Veteran soldier #2-8 moves to help Veteran soldier #0-2 retreat.

Veteran soldier #3-4 moves to help Elite soldier #6-1 retreat.

Veteran soldier #3-5 brings the horses closer.

Veteran soldier #3-6 helps Experienced soldier #2-9 to retreat.

Veteran soldier #4-2 goes into overwatch to cover the retreat.

Veteran soldier #4-3 moves to assist Veteran soldier #2-3 in his retreat.

Veteran soldier #4-4 begins to retreat toward the horses.

Elite soldier #5-1 calls for the gunner to retreat and begins to move toward the horses.

Elite soldier #6-1 is retreating with the help of Veteran soldier #3-5.

Potato dismounts from the HMMWV and goes prone nearby, readying his RPK-74.
Turn 5 – Initiative Step 3

Veteran soldier #0-3 begins to retreat with the help of Veteran soldier #2-2.

Experienced soldier #0-4 retreats toward his horse.

Experienced soldier #0-5 brings the horses closer to those retreat.

Experienced soldier #0-6 retreats toward his horse.

Experienced soldier #0-7 brings the horses closer to those retreat.

Experienced soldier #0-8 retreats toward his horse.

Experienced soldier #1-5 continues to help his team limber the Rapira.

Veteran soldier #2-3 is retreating with the help of Veteran soldier #4-3.

Veteran soldier #2-6 begins to move to the rear in retreat.

Experienced soldier #3-7 retreats hastily to the rear.

Experienced soldier #4-5 starts up the 5-ton and prepares to retreat.

Veteran soldier #5-2 dismounts from the BTR and begins to retreat.
Turn 5 – Initiative Step 2

Elite soldier #0-1 is retreating with the help of Veteran soldier #2-4.

Mitchell remains stunned by the blow to the head.
Turn 5 – Initiative Step 1

Veteran soldier #0-2 is retreating with the help of Veteran soldier #2-8 .

2LT Jade Marshall and 2LT Wayne Logan go into overwatch and watch the retreating Russians.

Then, like the calm after a storm, it was over. I heard a whistle and the Russians started pulling back. The took their wounded and put them aboard a truck and road off the way they came, leaving the battered BTR and their dead behind.

Griffin came too and Logan started to patch everyone up. We got lucky again.

Combat ends, as the characters let the Russians recover their wounded and retreat. SSG Michael Griffin regains consciousness. Everyone is wounded, most with slight wounds but SSG Griffin has a serious wound on his left arm.