Having seen the elephant way to often and definitely too close, the characters are probably not going to be impressed if grandma Topolski tries to rob them at gunpoint and I am sure she is well aware that peeing off a large, well-armed group is not a guarantee to a long life. That leaves one option: drugs.
Let’s make Grandma Topolski a little more nefarious: before the war, Maryn operated an “illegal” brothel. Her specialty was recruiting young, unwitting help which she would then lend out to the Party officials at a discount in return for them turning a blind eye to her business. As a result, Grandma Topolski is an expert in drugs and drugging individuals.
Grandma Toplski will enlist the help of her kitchen. She will make Bigos and drug the food. Bigos often translated into English as hunter's stew, is a Polish dish of finely chopped meat of various kinds stewed with sauerkraut and shredded fresh cabbage. That should cover up the drug taste. Throw in some red wine and off we go. Let’s hear from Marshall, since she was there:
There are actually very few times I have felt that I died and went to heaven. The meal at Grandma (or Babula, as she kept sayin’) Toplski’s was one of those times. You could smell the food a mile away. One by one, it brought us out of our rooms, with honest to god white sheets, and down to the dining room. A big oak table heaped with food, wine and even a set of plates that matched sat there, waiting for us. Like Christmas, Easter and the Fourth of July rolled into one.
The drugging will take effect in standard combat segments. Each player has an opportunity to roll against their observation skill (or unskilled vs. their Intelligence to notice the drug. The difficulty is set at Impossible (x1/4). Failing that, they can roll a Formidable (x1/2) roll against their Constitution every turn to retain consciousness.
The relevant assets and attributes are:
We will now move to the tactical time scale. We will check if anyone notices the drugs and that the effects are probably not from the wine. Starting with turn 2, we can check for loss of consciousness. We will also assume no one is packing anything larger than their sidearms. One wants to leave a positive impression without being stupid.
Turn 1 – Initiative 5
Potato is the first person. He has no Observation skill, so we will check against his Intelligence (3, god help us). The task number will be 1 or less. Potato rolls a 19 and continues to eat with gusto,
Robinson is next with his Intelligence of 4. The target number here is also 1 and Robinson gets closer (4) and may suspect something but he brushes it off.
Griffin is the last of the first group. His intelligence is also 4 (I swear, they may be good for kicking down doors but that is it). The target number here is also 1 and Griffin fails with a 15.
Turn 1 – Initiative 4
Klasha is the characters best chance. She has an observation of 15, translating to a target number of 3 or less. Unfortunately she rolls a 7. Oh well, a little sleep might do us good.
Mitchell is up next. She has no observation and her intelligence of 6 gives a target number of 1 or less. She rolls an 8 and continues to eat.
Macron is up next. He has an Observation of 12, making the target number 3 or less. He also rolls a 9.
Turn 1 – Initiative 3
Harris has an Observation of 9, giving him a target number of 2 or less. Roll of 9, ‘nuff said.
Turn 1 – Initiative 2
Things are looking bad. Two characters to go (Marshall and Logan) and the roll for both has a target number of 1. Rolls of 7 and 12 mean both fail. All characters have injested the drug. Off to the next round.
Turn 2 – Initiative 5
Potato has a constitution of 8 (must be part horse). His roll is 4 or less. He just misses it with a 5 and drifts off as his fork falls to the ground.
Robinson has a constitution of 7 and his roll is 3 or less. He also misses it with a 4 and takes a trip to dreamland.
Griffin has a constitution of 7 too and also fails his roll with a 7.
Turn 2 – Initiative 4
Klasha has a constitution of 3, requiring a 1 to pass and she makes. It may be her counter-espionage training, but she realizes something is wrong and goes for her gun as she shouts a warning to the others. (This will give them a +1 bonus on their rolls).
Mitchell has a target number of 2 +1 or three. Unfortunately she rolls a 9. Good night Mitchell.
Macron’s target number is 3 +1 or 4. In true character style, he rolls a 15. Out like a light.
Turn 2 – Initiative 3
Like Macron, Harris has a constitution of 7 and also has a target number of 3 +1 = 4. Following in Macron’s footsteps, he blunders the roll and ends up with a 6.
Turn 2 – Initiative 2
Marshall and Logan both have target rolls of 3+1 = 4. Both pass with rolls of 3 and 1 and both go for their sidarms. Now they just need to remain conscious.
Turn 3 – Initiative 4
Klasha has a constitution of 3, requiring a 1 + 1 = 2 to pass. She rolls a 20 and her head lolls to the side as her eyes close. Now it is up to Marshall and Logan.
Turn 3 – Initiative 2
Marshall and Logan both have target rolls of 3+1 = 4. Marshall fails with a 20. Logan remains conscious with a 1 and decides to pop the grandma before something else goes wrong. The range is Short for his M9 but he is drugged, so we will make the difficulty Difficult (x1). His pistol asset is 8 and he will fire three rounds. The third will have a modifier of-3 due to recoil. Logan rolls a 16, 2 and 2. Two possible hits.
Grandma Topolski is covered from the abdomen down by the table. Logan’s M9 will not penetrate. The hit locations are both leg hits, resulting in misses.
Turn 4 – Initiative 2
Before we go further, Logan needs to check again. His target number is still 4. He rolls a 19 and is out .
Now how will this end for the characters? No idea so I guess we will wait and see.
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