1130 14 AUG 2000, Near Lubliniec, Poland
"From the journal of Michael Griffin: they pushed, we pushed back. Everybody was firing with Potato dropping a hero that wanted to get into the action. Robinson decided the chaos needed some brushing up and chucked another grenade. Good that I was still deaf from the last one or it might have hurt my ears a bit."
The team is outnumbered and fighting hard, but they are still fighting.
Note: added the larger, 10m hexes for clarity. The v4 uses 10m hexes as the basis for ranges, explosions, etc. The link goes to a hex grid, suitable for 10m hexes with smaller 1m hexes inside. Perfect for interior maps without breaking your head. http://mojobob.com/roleplay/props/10hex-hexes.pdf
Now time to draw initiative for this round.
Order |
Name |
1 |
NPCs (Not Particularly Cooperatives) #2 |
3 |
NPCs (Not Particularly Cooperatives) #3 |
4 |
Potato |
5 |
Harris |
6 |
Robinson |
7 |
NPCs (Not Particularly Cooperatives) #1 |
10 |
Griffin |
The room is dimly lit again (with a lot of the initial dust and smoke settled, dispersed with a wave of the DM Wand), giving everyone a -1 modifier to fire combat.
Initiative Step 1 - NPCs (Not Particularly Cooperatives) #2
Straggler #1-9 watched Griff blow away his buddy, so now he has to pay. He will aim (Fast Action) at Griff and empty his weapon into him. The range is Short and he will add one Ammo die to the pool.
Task: |
Fire hunting rifle at Griff |
Ability Die: |
Agility B (D10) |
Skill Die: |
Ranged Combat C (D8) |
Modifiers: |
-1 limited visibility |
= -1 |
Mod. Ability Die: |
Agility B (D10) |
[Unmodified] |
Mod. Skill Die: |
Ranged Combat D (D6) |
[-1 Step, total = -1] |
Ammo Die: |
1 |
Roll: |
1,5,3 |
(3 rounds expended) |
Result: |
Failure |
He must still be upset and fails the shot. He burns his last three rounds and the weapon is now empty.
Straggler #1-10 had some success last round suppressing Potato. He will again lean out from behind the pillar, aim quickly at Potato (Fast Action) and fire a long burst from his submachinegun (Slow Action). The range is Short and he will add 4 Ammo Dice to the pool.
Task: |
Fire Vz-24 at Potato |
Ability Die: |
Agility B (D10) |
Skill Die: |
Ranged Combat C (D8) |
Modifiers: |
-1 limited visibility |
= -1 |
Mod. Ability Die: |
Agility B (D10) |
[Unmodified] |
Mod. Skill Die: |
Ranged Combat D (D6) |
[-1 Step, total = -1] |
Ammo Die: |
4 |
Roll: |
7,2,6,3,5,5 |
(19 round expended) |
Result: |
2 Successes |
Technically it was two hits. Unfortunately, there are only 13 rounds left in the magazine. We need to eliminate the Ammo dice 6 to get to the number of remaining rounds. The weapon is now empty but we still have one hit. The round hits Potato in the torso, but is again stopped by the vest. Good vest, think we need to keep it.
Potato needs to check again for Suppression. His CUF is B (D10) but he does not get the Unit Morale die. Like last time, if he passes this, he need not check again later. He rolls a 9, not becoming suppressed and recovering from his suppression.
Note: No, this is not official but goes along with the idea of reducing the number of rolls that need to be made. Potato would have to check for recovery from his suppression this round anyway, so we can just combine the two rolls. Two birds and such.
Straggler #1-11 sees Potato getting ready to get back into the fight and decides to keep him occupied. He aims at Potato (Fast Action) and fires a burst at him (Slow Action). The range is Short and he will add 3 Ammo die to the pool.
Task: |
Fire AK-74 at Potato |
Ability Die: |
Agility B (D10) |
Skill Die: |
Ranged Combat C (D8) |
Modifiers: |
-1 limited visibility |
= -1 |
Mod. Ability Die: |
Agility B (D10) |
[Unmodified] |
Mod. Skill Die: |
Ranged Combat D (D6) |
[-1 Step, total = -1] |
Ammo Die: |
3 |
Roll: |
6,2,3,4,2 |
(9 round expended) |
Result: |
1 Success |
This is a bit more dangerous. The Straggler has an Ak-74, which could punch a hole in Potatoes' vest. Worse still, the round hits his helmet, penetrates and causes 1 point of damage and causes yet another Suppression check, which Potato passes with an 8.
Straggler #1-12 readies himself to replace some of his friends, like #1-10, who have run out of ammo.
Initiative Step 3 - NPCs (Not Particularly Cooperatives) #3
Straggler #1-13 had his weapon jam last round. To clear the jam, he needs to make a Tech roll. He does not have the skill so must roll against his Intelligence attribute (C - D8) and rolls a 2, failing the test, breaking his weapon and effectively disarming himself.
Straggler #1-14 stands (Fast Action) and prepares himself to relieve some of the others when then go black on ammo.
Straggler #1-15 needs to roll to recover from Suppression. His CUF is C (D8) and he rolls a 2. He is no longer suppressed but loses both his actions.
Straggler #1-16 will move around the corner (Fast Action) and Seek Cover (Fast Action) behind the barrel. This should allow him a line of sight to the characters.
Straggler #1-18 also needs to roll to recover from Suppression. His CUF is C (D8) and he also rolls a 2. He is no longer suppressed but loses both his actions.
Initiative Step 4 - Potato
Payback time. Potato recovered from his Suppression but lost his fast action. Not to be deterred by such things and have a good deal of ammo left in the belt, Potato fires a long burst at #1-16 as he move into the room (Slow Action). The range is Short and he will add four Ammo Die to the pool.
Task: |
Fire PKM at Straggler #1-16 |
Ability Die: |
Strength A (D12) |
Skill Die: |
Heavy Weapons B (D10) |
Modifiers: |
-1 dimly lit room, -2 Quick Shot, +1 Machinegunner Specialty |
= -2 |
Mod. Ability Die: |
Strength A (D12) |
[Unmodified] |
Mod. Skill Die: |
Heavy Weapons D (D6) |
[-2 Steps, total = -2] |
Ammo Die: |
4 |
Roll: |
11,3,3,1,1,2 |
(7 rounds expended) |
Result: |
2 Successes and a Mishap |
The damage from the round is 3+1 (Extra success). The target is behind cover (AV 1) and the round his the Straggler in the arm. The damage is reduced by the AV, dropping it back to 3. The Straggler is wounded and must check for Suppression (CUF C (D8)) and rolls a 2, failing the test. That means Panic Spreads and his buddies are going to need to check. All of the Stragglers have a CUF of C (D8).
The results are:
Straggler |
Roll |
Result |
Straggler #1-4 |
5 |
Fail, drops prone and is suppressed |
Straggler #1-5 |
5 |
Fail, drops prone and is suppressed |
Straggler #1-6 |
1 |
Fail, drops prone and is suppressed |
Straggler #1-9 |
Pass |
Straggler #1-10 |
1 |
Fail, drops prone and is suppressed |
Straggler #1-12 |
1 |
Fail, drops prone and is suppressed |
Straggler #1-13 |
8 |
Pass |
Straggler #1-14 |
6 |
Pass |
Straggler #1-15 |
5 |
Fail, drops prone and is suppressed |
Straggler #1-18 |
5 |
Fail, drops prone and is suppressed |
I guess the charge of the feather-weight Straggler was seen be a lot of his friends and word got back about the hole Potato put in him.
The mishap reduces the reliability of Potato's MG to C (D8). The reliability roll is 1,3, indicating the weapon jams. Good thing he has a backup.
At least for a bit, there will be less people shooting at our heroes.
Initiative Step 5 - Harris
Harris needs to recover from his Suppression and has a Coolness Under Fire of C (D8). His roll is a 6 and he recovers, losing his Fast Action as he does. The team could cut and run but where too? Better to put a few more down. Harris fires a burst at Straggler #1-6. The range is short and he will add 2 Ammo die to the pool.
Task: |
Fire at #1-6 |
Ability Die: |
Agility C (D8) |
Skill Die: |
Ranged Combat C (D8) |
Modifiers: |
-1 dimly lit room, -2 Quick Shot |
= -3 |
Mod. Ability Die: |
Agility D (D6) |
[-1 Step, total = -1] |
Mod. Skill Die: |
-- |
[-1 Step and removed, total = -2] |
Ammo Die: |
2 |
Roll: |
5,--,1,4 |
(5 rounds expended) |
Result: |
Failure |
Another miss the team could not afford. That is the way the dice bounces.
Initiative Step 6 - Robinson
Most of the team is prone, with the exception of Robinson, so we can risk it. Robinson pulls the pin on a frag (Fast Action) and heaves it toward the door that #1-16 appeared out of. The range is Short.
Task: |
Throw grenade at the doorway. |
Ability Die: |
Strength B (D10) |
Skill Die: |
Heavy Weapons B (D10) |
Modifiers: |
-1 dimly lit room |
= -1 |
Mod. Ability Die: |
Strength B (D10) |
[Unmodified] |
Mod. Skill Die: |
Heavy Weapons C (D8) |
[-1 Step, total = -1] |
Ammo Die: |
-- |
Roll: |
1,8,-- |
Result: |
1 Success |
The grenade lands in front of the door. Those not prone have a chance to go prone. This is just #1-9 and #1-13, as all the others are prone. The remainder of the Stragglers in the room with #1-13 are protected by the walls and will be shielded from damage. Both Stragglers need to make a Mobility check but do not have the skill, so they will test against their Agility (B - D10) and both fail their rolls.
The cover provides no benefit for explosions in the same hex. The explosive power is C (D8) and we need to make several attacks, so I will put them in a table.
Straggler |
Blast |
Die |
Roll |
Result |
Straggler #1-4 |
D |
2D6 |
6,3 |
Blast reduced one level (to D (D6)) for prone target. Fragment hits the target in the arm (1). Target remains suppressed (CUF roll 1). |
Straggler #1-5 |
D |
2D6 |
4,2 |
Blast reduced one level (to D (D6)) for prone target. Target suffers no hits. |
Straggler #1-6 |
D |
2D6 |
4,5 |
Blast reduced one level (to D (D6)) for prone target. Target suffers no hits. |
Straggler #1-9 |
C |
2D8 |
3,4 |
Target suffers no hits. |
Straggler #1-10 |
D |
2D6 |
3,1 |
Blast reduced one level (to D (D6)) for prone target. Target suffers no hits. |
Straggler #1-13 |
C |
2D8 |
6,4 |
Fragment hits the target in the torso (2) and knocks the target prone. The Straggler makes his Suppression roll (6). |
Straggler #1-16 |
D |
2D6 |
2,1 |
Blast reduced one level (to D (D6)) for prone target. Target suffers no hits. |
Straggler #1-2 |
D |
-- |
-- |
Blast reduced one level (and ignored) for prone target |
Straggler #1-3 |
D |
2D6 |
6,6 |
Fragment hits the target in the torso. The damage is 2 + 1 (additional Success), leading to a Critical and eliminates the Straggler. |
Straggler #1-11 |
D |
2D6 |
3,5 |
Target suffers no hits. |
Griff |
D |
-- |
-- |
Blast reduced one level (and ignored) for prone target |
Potato |
D |
-- |
-- |
Blast reduced one level (and ignored) for prone target |
Harris |
D |
-- |
-- |
Blast reduced one level (and ignored) for prone target |
Robinson |
D |
2D6 |
6,1 |
The fragment hits Robinson in the torso but is stopped by his vest. |
Macron |
D |
-- |
-- |
Blast reduced one level (and ignored) for prone target |
The explosion and dust reduce the visibility and the modifier is now -2.
Initiative Step 7 - NPCs (Not Particularly Cooperatives) #1
The only remaining Straggler from the first group that can act and will aim (Fast Action) and fire a burst at Robinson (Slow Action). The range is Short and he will add 2 Ammo die to the dice pool.
Task: |
Fire FN-LAR at Robinson |
Ability Die: |
Agility B (D10) |
Skill Die: |
Ranged Combat C (D8) |
Modifiers: |
-2 limited visibility |
= -2 |
Mod. Ability Die: |
Agility B (D10) |
[Unmodified] |
Mod. Skill Die: |
-- |
[-1 Step and removed, total = -2] |
Ammo Die: |
2 |
Roll: |
7,--,5,5 |
(10 round expended) |
Result: |
1 Success |
The round hits Robinson in the arm for 3 points of damage but he makes his CUF roll (D8, 6) and continues the fight.
Initiative Step 10 - Griff
Griff will aim (Fast Action) and fire at Straggler #1-9. The range is short and he will add one Ammo die to the pool.
Task: |
Fire at #1-9 |
Ability Die: |
Agility A (D12) |
Skill Die: |
Ranged Combat B (D10) |
Modifiers: |
-2 limited visibility, +1 Sniper Specialty |
= -1 |
Mod. Ability Die: |
Agility A (D12) |
[Unmodified] |
Mod. Skill Die: |
Ranged Combat C (D8) |
[-1 Step, total = -1] |
Ammo Die: |
1 |
Roll: |
3,8,4 |
(4 rounds expended) |
Result: |
1 Success |
Since he fired at Griff, the Straggler has his head and arms exposed. The round hits him in the torso for 3 -1 (AV for Cover) = 2. He fails his suppression test and is knocked prone.
The Stragglers have suffered 5 KIA, 5 WIA (56%). The team just needs to push a bit harder.

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