Wednesday, September 12, 2018

0037 - The Battle of Zloczew - Turn 6

0830 23 JUL 2000
Harris advanced on the south, along with the rest of the team in Bud. Logan had to stop to help Klasha, so the rest of us had to walk in from there. Typical, but walkin' is good for you, they used to say. That is, of course, unless you catch a bullet while walkin'.

Turn 6 - Initiative Step 5
  • Potato will advance toward the barrier.
  • Mitchell will continue to steer Bud around to the south.
  • Robinson will dismount and advance of foot toward the barrier.

Order of Actions:
  • Robinson (Agl 7)
  • Mitchell (Agl 5)
  • Potato (Agl 4)

Robinson dismounts and heads off toward the barrier.

Mitchell continues to steer Bud around to the south.

Potato rushes forward, toward the barrier without resistance.

Turn 6 - Initiative Step 4
  • Griffin reloads his magazine.
  • Macron dismounts and follows Robinson on foot.

Order of Actions:
  • Griffin (Agl 6)
  • Macron (Agl 4)

Griffin reloads his other 20 round 7.62mm N. Since he only has two magazines, he is convinced he is going to need that magazine before the day is done.

Macron dismounts and follows Robinson toward the barrier on foot.

Turn 6 - Initiative Step 3
  • Marshall will dismount and follow Macron and Robinsone
  • Logan will administer first aid Klasha.
  • Harris advances along the building, headed west
  • Experienced Soviet straggler #03 will continue to pull back to the west.
  • Experienced Soviet straggler #37 will continue to pull back to the west.

Order of Actions:
  • Experienced Soviet straggler #03 (Agl 6)
  • Experienced Soviet straggler #37 (Agl 6)
  • Logan (Agl 5)
  • Harris (Agl 5)
  • Marshall (Agl 5)

Experienced Soviet straggler #03 retreats back across the small park before moving south around a building.

Experienced Soviet straggler #37 reaches the same building and turns south.

Logan administers first aid to clash.

  • [Administer first aid to Klasha – Asset Level 17 – Difficult (x1 - Doctor's medical kit available) – Target Number 17 - Roll(s): 15] - Success. This will reduce the healing time for Klasha's wounds.

Harris continues to move along the building toward the street in the west before taking cover at the corner of a building.

Marshall dismounts and continues on foot with Macron and Robinson. Jerry no longer has any occupants.

Turn 6 - Initiative Step 2
  • Experienced Soviet straggler #25 will attempt to recover from being stunned.

Order of Actions:
  • Experienced Soviet straggler #25 (Agl 6)

Experienced Soviet straggler #25 attempts to recover from being stunned. The roll is a Difficult roll versus twice his Constitution (6).

  • [Recover from being stunned – Attribute Level 12 – Difficult (x1) – Target Number 12 - Roll(s): 2] - Outstanding Success. The trooper regains his senses and his feet, moving into the cover of the building.

Turn 6 - Initiative Step 1
  • Klasha is being attended to and will not take an action this turn.
  • Novice Soviet straggler #110 will retreat to the west.
  • Novice Soviet straggler #111 will rush Harris and engage in melee combat
  • Novice Soviet straggler #115 will continue to retreat west.
  • Novice Soviet straggler #137 will continue to retreat west.

Order of Actions:
Novice Soviet straggler #110 begins to retreat across the park.

Novice Soviet straggler #111 draws his hatchet and rushes Harris, who has taken cover at the corner of the building.

Novice Soviet straggler #115 retreats down the street, headed west.

Novice Soviet straggler #137 follows his comrade down the street.
At the end of the turn, things have not changed much. The combatants are repositioning and Harris has a hatchet-wielding maniac to deal with now.

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