Tuesday, July 17, 2018

0019 - Scene V – The Handover – Part III

I turn up the ominous music and now need to consider what to do with the characters. Originally I thought of Grandma Topolski stealing the small, high-value stuff and making a run for it, but then I realized, as aggravating as that may be, it will not make a deep impact on the characters. Then I thought it would be better not to steal their stuff directly but instead to steal the characters.

The following plot line would be very difficult to play in face to face, as the players have this strange need to actually play their characters and this can often upset a really good plot line or lead to frustration. This plot line will, however, work very well in a solo roleplay context, as I can just park characters on a plot line until needed.

Grandma Topolski is going back to her roots. The group contains three women and that means she has something to start up her lucrative business again. Although she cannot be described as kindhearted and can kill chickens all day, she balks at actually killing people. Instead, she hatches a plan abandon the men somewhere outside of town and let the environment do the rest.

In preparation, I open two new plot lines. The first will be for the girls imprisoned by Grandman Toploski. This one will be initially parked for later. The second plot line will be for the guys abandoned in the wilderness and will be the main plot line at the moment.

The initial Chaos Rank for both plot lines will be increased to 5, as the group pretty much came out on the short end of the last scene. The Chaos Rank will be tracked for both independently until the group is reunited, after which the higher of the two will become the new Chaos Rank.

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