Wednesday, August 26, 2020

0103 – The Great Escape – Part VI – On the Way to Zloczew – The Hunters

 1045 07 AUG 2000, Near Weilun, Poland


Not everyone you meet is tryin’ to kill you. It is hard to remember that little bit of wisdom these days but that does not make it any less true. We had a chat with those hunters and, although they could not help us get the supplies delivered, they were a welcome break to lead being slung over our heads at high speed.

Wally thanked them for their time and handed over a clip for their AK. The really liked that and then everyone went on their way, still breathing.

Just to recap, the team has met a group of hunters from Zloczew. They are frightened but unwilling to run so that they won’t be perceived as doing something shifty. They are not willing to talk but the leader is very ambitious. Where to go from here is the big question.

Both Wally and Klasha speak Polish, although Wally is the only native speaker. Klasha is also seriously wounded, so we should probably leave her out of the action for a while.

It is probably not a good idea to dismount Wally alone but at the same time, the group does not want to appear as a threat. One other member should accompany him, excluding the driver (Robinson) and the gunner (Potato). Potato would probably be a threat just by his presence. That being settled, Wally and Macron dismount, Macron slightly behind and to the left of Wally as the approach the group. Wally has his weapon slung and Macron has his pointed up, trying hard to be non-threatening.

The characters had an interaction with Zloczew when they drove out the stragglers that had taken up residence in the town. Therefore, it is possible that the hunters know the group, as they are responsible for the civilian’s weapons. Still, we can ask the GME.

[GME: Do the hunters recognize the characters after they come close? - Chaos Rank 6Somewhat Likely (80% - it is a large town but the group stayed a couple of days and may have met more people but probably not everyone) - 33% - Yes]

Now that the hunters know who the group are, there may be a chance that they are more inclined to talk to the group. The characters helped them out once in their time of need and has only had a positive impact on the community.

[GME: Will the hunters now talk to the group? - Chaos Rank 6Very Likely (90%) - 52% - Yes]

So now everyone can relax and start talking to each other. The initial reluctance probably comes from the fact that the hunters do not recognize Wally, as he was brought onboard after Mitchell was killed in an ambush while the group was recovering the OT-64. Marshall probably watched the whole thing.

Wally dismounted and approached the group, his hands hooked into his web belt. The hunters still clutched their weapons, watching his every move. When Macron came around the end of Can-Can, a hint of recognition passed over their faces. One of the younger ones then pointed toward the turret where Potato’s bulk filled the turret hatch. After that, the group relaxed, knowing we meant them no harm.

A good day then, no one has to die. The easiest solution would be for the hunters to travel farther south and deliver the medication to the townspeople of Weilun. That would, however, be a major risk for the group. Still, one can ask.

[GME: Would the hunters be willing to smuggle the medication into Weilun for the characters? - Chaos Rank 6Very Unlikely (45%) - 74% - No]

I did not really expect them too. In the current state of the world, that is asking a lot. There is probably a lot of trade between the towns, maybe the hunters know of a merchant or smuggler that would be willing to take over the transport.

[GME: Do the hunters know of someone that would be willing to smuggle the medication into Weilun for the characters? - Chaos Rank 6Somewhat Likely (80%) - 96% - No]

Would have been too good to be true anyway. Guess there is not much more that the characters can hope to learn from the hunters, so they can probably part ways.

On to Zloczew.

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