Friday, June 15, 2018

0009 - Scene I – Entering Sieradz (1000 21 JUL 2000) – Part 1

This is the opening scene and will serve as the beginning of the adventure. In our scene setup, we try to describe, based on logic and what has happened previously, we try to make a logical scene, describing what we believe will take place: this is our scene setup:

Entering Sieradz: The characters approach Sieradz with caution. They contact the unit in Sieradz, wishing simply to pass through. The lieutenant at the gate attempts to convince them to meet with the major, who may have something interesting for them.

Now we see if the scene is modified. Modified means that the scene can either be altered or interrupted. Altered means that the scene does not take place quite the way we planned. Interrupted is like having a random event that destroys your plans.
We roll a D10. If the number is greater than the Chaos Rank (CR), everything goes as planned, otherwise the scene is modified. If the roll is uneven, the scene is altered; if the roll is even, the scene is interrupted. The roll is 3, resulting in an altered scene.
An altered scene should also follow some form of logic. If we are not sure, we can think about what might be a logical change and then ask the GME Fate Table. The logical change would be that the major is at or approaching the barricade instead of the characters being asked to visit the major. That is what we will go with. Now we can start with the scene.

Griffin, Macron, Klasha and Robinson dismount and form a rough line in front of Bud. Klasha steps forward and addresses the lieutenant in Russian: “We just want to pass through. We do not want any trouble”.

Now we need a detailed NPC so we can check to see if they understand the group. I present our Lieutenant:

Elite soviet soldier #1-1 (Barricade Lieuteant)
(Initiative: 5, Attributes: 8, Assets: 15, UCD: 5)

Moderately violent: The NPC is aggressive and inclined to view violence as the preferred means of resolving disputes.

Moderately ambitious: The NPC will wish to be in a position of real responsibility in an organization.

Note: initiative modifiers are cumulative.

Main Weapon: AKR with 4 magazine(s)/belt(s) and 20 loose rounds
Melee Weapon: Hatchet
Grenades: HC Smoke Grenade []
Equipment: Fatigues, Kevlar Helmet, Pack, Gas Mask, Combat Webbing, Personal Medkit, Sleeping Bag
Food: 1kg of Domestic Food and 3kg of Wild Food

Rule Roll: {Communicate in a given language (Difficult x1) against an average of the language skills – Klasha 14, LT 14, average 14.5, rounded to 15. Roll: 15 - Pass}

Back to the scene.

The LT scrutinizes the group a bit before replying: “You could attack us after passing the barrier. I would prefer you go around the city.”

Klasha considers his words before replying: “Going around wound mean us backtracking the way we came and wasting a lot of time and fuel. You have to understand it would be better for us to pass through.

Klasha will attempt to persuade the LT to change his mind.

Rule Roll: {Persuade the LT to let the group pass (Formidable x1/2) against Persuasion 8. Roll: 15 – Catastrophic Failure}

Given the current situation and the motivation of the LT, things just went south.

The LT eyes go small as he fixes Klasha with a steely stare. It would seem that he is not used to his orders not being followed immediately. “I told you to go around and you will do so NOW!”

His AKR swings easily from behind his back. As he moves, the sound of safeties being removed is clear in the morning air.

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