Wednesday, August 22, 2018

0033 - The Battle of Zloczew - Turn 3

0830 23 JUL 2000
Apperently Logan was convinced by Macron to assist Klasha. I heard the discussion, because you could not NOT hear it, despite all the gunfire going off around us. I heard one bullet go whizzing by. Appearently god had decided it was not my time yet. I was going to make sure some of them met their maker so.

Turn 3 - Initiative Step 5
• Potato fires two bursts from his L7A2 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 behind the barrier.
• Mitchell loses her turn, as she is knocked down.
• Robinson will fire five quick shots from his AKR at Trooper #108

Order of Actions:
• Robinson (Agl 7 - Bulk 2 = 5)
• Mitchell (Agl 5)
• Potato (Agl 4 - Bulk 6 = -2)

Robinson fires five shots at Trooper #108 with his AKR. The range is 75m (Long). The target is obscured by light smoke.

[Fire aimed shot at Trooper #108 – Asset Level 9 – Near Impossible (x1/8 - quick shot + range + target obscured) – Target Number 1 - Roll(s): 20, 6, 7, 12, 5] - No Hits.

Mitchell is knocked down and Bud decelerates. The vehicle accelerates to 3m/turn.

Potato fires two bursts from his L7A2 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 behind the barrier. The range is 50m (Short) and the burst is reduced by three due to the smoke. Those behind the barrier are protected from the waist down by the truck (AV2).

[Fire burst #1 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 7,18,8,7,16,14,19 ] - No hits
[Fire burst #2 at Experienced Soviet straggler #09 – Asset Level 16 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 4 - Roll(s): 2,2,13,6,9,9,13] - Two possible hits. One round hits the barrier and the second hits the NPC in the head. The target does not have a helmet and takes 23 points of damage. This results in a quick kill.

No other troopers are within the danger zone. Trooper #102 is laying behind the barrier and cannot be hit by stray rounds.

Turn 3 - Initiative Step 4
• Griffin will fire two quick shots at Trooper #111, who just dropped prone on the firing line.
• Macron will take fire two quick shots with his M16A2 w/sight at Trooper #25 on the far right of the firing line.

Order of Actions:
• Griffin (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Macron (Agl 4 - Bulk 5 = -1)

Griffin will fire two quick shots at Trooper #111. The distance is 60m (Short).

[Fire two quick shots at Trooper #111 – Asset Level 12 – Formidable (x1/2 - Short range quick shot at an obscured target) – Target Number 6 (4 for the second round due to recoil) - Roll(s): 10,14] - 1. Both miss.

Macron fires two quick shots at Trooper #25. The range is 90m (Medium).

[Fire two quick shots at Trooper #25 – Asset Level 13 – Formidable (x1/2) – Target Number 6 - Roll(s): 1, 19] - One possible hit. The round misses as the target is prone and the hit location was his legs.

Turn 3 - Initiative Step 3
• Marshall goes into overwatch with her M177, looking for targets within 80m
• Logan accelerates, intending to close the range to Klasha (sorry, the character relationship makes this necessary)
• Harris fires two bursts from his L7A2 at Trooper #29
• Experienced Soviet straggler #03 detonates the directional mine in front of the barrier.
• Experienced Soviet straggler #25 fires his FN-LAR twice at Bud
• Experienced Soviet straggler #29 fires his Mauser bolt action at Klasha again
• Experienced Soviet straggler #37 remains in overwatch, looking east.

Order of Actions:
• Experienced Soviet straggler #03 (Agl 6)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #37 (Agl 6)
• Marshall (Agl 5)
• Logan (Agl 5)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #25 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Experienced Soviet straggler #29 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)
• Harris (Agl 5 - Bulk 6 = -1)

Experienced Soviet straggler #03 detonates the directional mine in front of the barrier. Cover from the barrier and buildings protects those around the barrier from the concussion. Troopers #105 and #108 are protected by the buildings from fragments. They are currently prone on top of the buildings. Bud and Klasha are in the primary blast radius and Jerry is in the secondary blast radius.

By some miracle, Bud is not hit by any fragments. Klasha, unfortunately, takes a fragment to the chest. This causes 1 + 1 (blunt trauma) = 2 points of damage. All in all, both got off lightly.

Jerry also takes no fragments.

Note to self: That was entirely disappointing. I was seriously debating whether or not to detonate the mine and after I did, it is really as if I had not. Oh well, the Dice Gods wanted it that way, I guess.

Experienced Soviet straggler #37 remains in overwatch.

Marshall goes into overwatch, searching for targets within 80m to the front.

Logan accelerates with the HMMWV, determined to reach Klasha. The vehicle accelerates to 12m/turn.

Experienced Soviet straggler #25 fires his FN-LAR twice at Bud. The range is 70m (Medium).

[Fire two quick shots at Bud – Asset Level 11 – Impossible (x1/4 - Medium range quick shot at obscured target) – Target Number 2 (1 for the second shot due to recoil) - Roll(s): 7, 5] - Both miss

Experienced Soviet straggler #29 wants to make sure Klasha stay down and fires his Mauser bolt action at her again. The range is 90m (Medium),

[Fire quick shot at Klasha – Asset Level 11 – Impossible (x1/4 - quick shot at medium range on obscured target) – Target Number 2 - Roll(s): 5] - Miss.

Harris fires two bursts at at Trooper #29. The range is 65m (Short) but the burst is reduced by three due to the obscurement.

[Fire burst #1 at Trooper #29 – Asset Level 13 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 3 - Roll(s): 20,19,11,6,8,4,17] - No hits.
[Fire burst #2 at Trooper #29 – Asset Level 13 – Impossible (x1/4) – Target Number 3 - Roll(s): 19,1,17,11,6,2,13] - Two possible hits. One round "hits" the legs, resulting in a miss. The other hits head. The NPC has a kevlar helmet that slows down the round. The NPC takes 8 + 1 (blunt trauma) = 9 points of damage. This results in a quick kill.

Turn 3 - Initiative Step 1
• Novice Soviet straggler #110 follows will fire his Mauser bolt action at Marshall
• Novice Soviet straggler #111 will pull Trooper #131 back into cover
• Novice Soviet straggler #115 run south and take up a position behind the sandbags
• Novice Soviet straggler #117 remains in overwatch
• Novice Soviet straggler #137 will leave the building and moved toward the sandbags.

Order of Actions:
• Novice Soviet straggler #111 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #115 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #117 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #137 (Agl 6)
• Novice Soviet straggler #110 (Agl 6 - Bulk 5 = 1)

Novice Soviet straggler #110 fires his Mauser Bolt Action Rifle at Marshall. The range is 85m (Medium).

[Fire quick shot at Marshall – Asset Level 9 – Impossible (x1/4 - quick shot at medium range on obscured target) – Target Number 2 - Roll(s): 9] - Miss.

Novice Soviet straggler #111 drags Trooper #131 back into cover behind the building.

Novice Soviet straggler #115 run south and takes up a position behind the sandbags

Novice Soviet straggler #117 remains in overwatch.

Novice Soviet straggler #137 leaves the building, heading north.

At the end of turn 3, The Soviets have 5 WIA and 3 KIA compared to the one from the PCs. The directional mine was a disappointment, not only for myself, but also for the Soviets. The characters can be happy so.

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