Sunday, May 5, 2019

0049 - Recovering the OT-64 - Part II

1020 26 JUL 2000
"Most of the town had been destroyed. The few walls that were left standing were not enough to show what the building had previously been. The only exception was the church. The layout was pretty obvious, but that was the only thing. No wall over a meter was left standing in the village center. Strangely enough there was no rubble in the streets or scattered between the buildings. It was if the buildings had not been destroyed by explosions but rather disentigrated. In the end, it doesn't really matter. The place had been flattened. This proved to be an advantage.

From our view on a small hillock outside of the village, we could see the prize. A line of three OT-64 on a road leading to a bridge that was probably laying at the bottom of the small river it was intended to cross. The first and last had been brewed up but open hatches and engine panels showed that someone had been working on them. Tools and such lay scattered around all three vehicles. Someone had been working on the OTs but there was no one to be seen now. Behind the OTs were a couple of burned out trucks. No one there either.

There was no movement in the village except for an area at the town center. Some kind of trestle system running across the open area and something was strung up between the trestles. A quick view through the binoculars showed that the movement in the center fo town was actually a large murder of crows gathered around the trestles. We had been here long enough to know that that many crows in one place was never a good sign."

When creating the map, I had a few problems to overcome, one of which just happened to coincide with the tactical problem that the leader of the primitves would be facing: how to get close enough to achieve something without being shot down by the overwhelming firepower. The best possibility would be some kind of covered approach. I decided then to use the sewers.

The sewers run under the village and eventually lead to a sewage treatment system near the river. The tunnels are tight but will allow the starved primitives to move easily from point to point. A heavily burdened person with web belts, weapons, etc. will become stuck on a 1 on a D20 and the roll must be performed for every round of movment. The maximum movement speed is crawling but the Primitives can crawl at 5m per round, as they have experience moving in the sewer pipes.

The pipes are made of concrete and the blast and concussion radius values is doubled for all explosions in the sewers.

Underground there is currently no lighting except the rooms where the primitives live, which have weak illumination provided by some candles available in those rooms. There are three underground rooms. The first is three meters high and the roof is supported by columns. The other two are also three meters high in the middle along the long axis of the room but the height falls to one meter at the edges.

Two people can enter or leave through the manholes in a round. The positions of the manholes on the lower level are indicated and correspond to the man holes on the ground level.

At the beginning of the scenario all the Primitives are underground. The starting positions for everyone are shown on the map. The characters are mounted in their vehicles.

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